Tips from a collector...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CCollector, Oct 4, 2002.

  1. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    We are always reading that most of the people who work there are ex cons. Is that true?

    I'm curious, how decent is the pay?
  2. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    First off...welcome to the board, I appreciate your honesty.

    I understand what you say because we are all human. I tend to be human in the fact that I do tend to treat people the way they treat me. I still have a long way in life to be able to control my emotions when someone is defensive or "in my face" attitude, I tend to recipricate the action. I am also very very human in the fact I dont tend think about what someone else may or may not be feeling or going through when they are not at their best with me. I am working on my tolorance very mindfully in my last several years of life (Amazing what kids do you both mentally and finacially)

    I have seen/been in some rough times being a single mom doing everything on my own. You know what, the ones that were nice/understanding got paid first, the ones that couldnt care less or were threaten to me...well they got paid eventually (when I had it). Just like my car company who I called in advance to say "hey I will be a week late because **** and they threaten to repo my car (never late before either) or the one where I never got a bill from a hospital (never thought insurance didnt pay since I never got a bill) and automatically the collector calls me (2 yrs later) a "mean deadbeat" because I didnt update my address for an out of town/will never be back hospitalI know that is wrong, but hey I only have so much and it is not like I am just blowing my money. SH!@3 happens to the best of us. Oh well, all is paid and just trying to get ahead for once :)

    Thank you for your honesty (the one thing I appreciate above much everything else) and I appreciate any insite you may provide me in the future. We all have the same goals(family, finacial security, happiness) and will do what we have to do (work jobs we dont like, juggle money, ask for help)to accomplish these goals.

    Peace to all as we continue to strive for our goals.

    Sorry for the rambling, just speakin my opinion today.
  3. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Here is how a Creditor's Collections department really works!!

    I had a "Creditor's Collection's deptartment" bugging me for some time.

    I explained my situtation and that I would mail a payment out in the next few days.

    They replied "we will need a check over the phone post dated for the payment."

    I said..."This is not acceptable as I don't want you having my personal checking account information, in short I don't trust your company with it."

    They replied.."This of course is not acceptable, you cannot mail your payment in we need to do this over the phone for a check by phone payment"

    I said.."I already told you we cannot do this and I won't do this, besides it is against my state's laws to do this and I will mail the payment overnight to you on this date XXXX"

    At this point he get's belligerent and sarcastic saying.."I told you we won't accept your mail in payment, you seem to know alot about the laws why can't you spend more time paying your bills??"

    I said.."I won't entertain this discussion any longer with you, I told you when I will mail my payment, if that isn't good for you then that's just too bad now isn't it??"

    He said "We will continue to call you Mr. Tac everyday until you pay us"

    I then said..."Goodbye!"

    You know what this idiot did??

    He called me non-stop at my work and left messages which I did record. Under my state's law this is a big no-no!! In fact it is against criminal law once I notify them in writing that they cannot call my employer.

    The very next day I fed-exed a letter stating the law and that they are never to call my employer again.

    Gues what??

    He called again at my employer and also left about 10 voicemails at my phone # as well.

    My state's law says that a creditor collecting on their debt cannot contact a debtor more then once in a 30 day period.

    Guess they broke that law, as I have about 26 recorded messages in a 2 week period. He didn't just call daily he called almost every few hours.

    Can you say harrassment??

    I then got to talk to this moron since he was the one calling me each and every time.

    I stated what he was doing was illegal and what I was going to do to him and his company if it persisted.

    I said I would have my attorney contact him.

    He said..."If you can hire an attorney why not pay us our money??"

    He just wasn't getting they law or the point!

    I contacted my attorney who called him and mailed faxed his bosses a letter along with the laws of my state.

    They/he has not called me since!!

    I am in the process of suing them and him at this point for their conduct as well as filing criminal charges against this person.

    He is not immune for his conduct!!! He will pay.

    My advice is yes you can collect on your employer's debts but your sure as hell better abide by the laws in the state you are collecting on!

    I bet by now this guy is unemployed and when I sue him I will make certian my lawyer has this judgement added to his credit report.

  4. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    You are looking at the situation wrong, YOU are the customer in this situation.


  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Ssshhh, don't insult the collector
  6. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Because of course collector's always give people who are having trouble paying their bills the benefit of the doubt. This guy makes comments like "alot of people are lazy" and some on this board think he is not a troll?. Oh that's right, Butch doesn't want us being rude to the newbies.
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I appreciate CCollector's honesty and balls for coming on the board. Welcome!! I totally agree with marci and davidkinde. Just because he is a collector we shouldn't let out OUR frustrations out on him. For the most part WE are to blame that the CA's are even calling us in the first place. If they are calling and harassing you send them a C and D. Then, if they call you again take them to court. Simple as that. Again, for the most part, we don't get the CA's to delete because we are right, but that they are either lazy to properly verify or do it illegally. I think that we should listen to what he has to say and learn from HIM what we can, before some idiot runs him off. He could of said that he was Joeblow or something, at least, he was honest on who he was. Welcome to the board and maybe we can ALL learn something from each other. Charlie
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the plug.

    If you decide not to be rude to a newbie, it ought not be because Butch doesn't want you to. It should be because you have your wits about you to realize you might learn something.

    Because you're NOT a mean person and are willing to give a newbie the benefit of the doubt, something you appreciate when faced with debt.

    Because the board exists for anyone who is here to learn and share (regardless of what they do for a living).

    Because whether he's a Troll or not will reveal itself in time.

    Moreover, what he's said so far is not terribly inaccurate. A lot of people ARE lazy.
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx for the plug.

    If you decide not to be rude to a newbie, it ought not be because Butch doesn't want you to. It should be because you have your wits about you to realize you might learn something.

    Because you're NOT a mean person and are willing to give a newbie the benefit of the doubt, something you appreciate when faced with debt.

    Because the board exists for anyone who is here to learn and share (regardless of what they do for a living).

    Because whether he's a Troll or not will reveal itself in time.

    Moreover, what he's said so far is not terribly inaccurate. A lot of people ARE lazy.
  10. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    im with butch..just because he is my hero
  11. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    You know, I've said this before. I'd like to think that most people are HONEST and are not LAZY, and got into financial difficulty by circumstances not totally of their own doing. I get a kick out of the fact that some are so quick to judge those in debt by calling them lazy, by the same tone, we could say alot of debt collectors are young, uniformed idiots, who carry alot of debt themselves, and get off on the anonymity of being able to abuse people from behind a phone. Now obviously not all are like that, but the collection industry does not have their bad
    reputation because they're nice people who are just doing their job.
  12. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    By the way Butch, I was being sarcastic. You're mark's hero, not mine :)
  13. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    I'm with Butch too, 'cause I love it when he growls! ;-)

  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't argue with that either.

  15. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Look at it this way, because majority of us on this board have had a collector or two call us at some point in our life, and chances are these collectors we spoke with were less than friendly, we (CNetter's) think majority of collectors are evil pigs.

    Now look at it from CCollector's point of view. He has to call people that are ALL past due on their CC's, this is his job. I'm sure he's heard of every excuse in the book and depending on how long he's been at his job he can probably decipher who is lying and who isn't.

    Look at it this way, people may think I am a D*nk, when I don't think I am, but if people are persistent and continue to call me a d*nk I will then begin to act like one.

    We keep treating these collector's, that are willing to share, like aholes it's only a matter of time before they act like one.
  16. numnuts20

    numnuts20 Well-Known Member

  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    he/she walked into my doctor's office and I decided not to run
    a test because I didn't like their attitude?


  18. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member


    Maybe you can answer a question for me?

    Sometimes a CA will call me. It is my policy that I do not speak to CA's over the phone. I will communicate via written correspondence. So I always tell the CA that I will not discuss my debts via a phone call and they must put their questions in writing. I tell them that I will respond appropriately after consulting with my attorney regarding their questions.

    I never raise my voice. I never utter an obscenity. I stay firm on my position. I never lie, or promise anything that I can 100% certain I can deliver.

    I think that I am crystal clear on what I will and won't do on this phone call. However, the CA's insist on keeping me on the phone and peppering me with questions. To each question I give the same answer... See above.

    This seems to drive them into a tizzy. I don't understand why. How much clearer can I be? They usually end up screaming obscenities at me, which is too bad for them cause that is now another FDCPA violation I will sue them for if they get pushy with me.

    After all this time I am convinced that they simply are not listening to me. They can't be that stupid. Do they think that if they keep asking me the same question over and over again that I am going to change my mind?

    My question is: Why are they so afraid to put into writing what they say on the phone? I have yet to have one write me a letter with the questions they kept putting forth on the telephone.
  19. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Collectors are scared to death of actually putting something in writing. They would much rather harrass you on the phone.

    My question is why is this collector telling us all this info? I don't think he is imparting any useful info that we don't already know. It just sounds to me like it is some 19 year old who feels he knows a thing or two when he hasn't really lived in the "real" world too long. Hmmm~
  20. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    The guy may be legit, but, I am surprised at how many people didn't catch his "lightly veiled" insults. This guy is most likely not even a collector, if he were someone honestly looking to help, you'd know it. I mean coming onto a credit forum and saying things like "people are lazy" is like going into an ALANON chat room and saying you're all weak drunks. but i'd like to help. Now i'm not comparing creditnetters with alchoholics, but for some spending is an addiction and people need help, not insults.

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