Questions about CHOD

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PAE, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    1.) what is the best day to mail the CHOD? I keep seeing Nov. 24, is that the absolute best day to SEND or is it the best day for the cra to RECEIVE?

    2.) Should we limit ourselves or go for broke (ie. dispute EVERYTHING, or just the most important stuff)?

    3.)Would it be inadvisable to dispute things that have already been disputed and verified?
  2. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    im disputing some previously verified stuff. On at least one account, I do not think it will get removed though, as each time I've disputed they've verified within like 2 weeks. seems to be pretty much automatic.

    I'm doing mine 11/26 most likely.
    I'll also dispute anything else I don't like that is on my report. Bulk disputes don't bother me. Most of the time when I've disputed, its been at least 4 disputes at a time per report.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    DATE??? I don't know what the best date is...
  4. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    You can do 3-4 for EACH~~~EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN, TRANS UNION...
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    You want them to sign for the letter before Thanksgiving, preferably on Wednesday the 27th. Charlie
  7. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    Is their a reason for the charlie?
  8. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    another question:

    should I CHOD the OC re 'included in bk' along with the CRAs?
  9. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I think I'm doing mine CRRR the week of Dec 13th because in my state they only have 21 days to verify. That makes it around the week before Christmas, and the week of New years. the validation would be due around the 3rd, right after New Years. I'm thinking that because Christmas falls in the middle of the week, that Monday and Tues will be minimal staff, as will Thurs and friday. The only time they should really be in the office will be the week of the dispute. Hopefully, they won't dispute w/in the first 6 days and then maybe I'll be homefree. It would be best if it worked out that it was due on the 2nd. Everyone recovering from New years.

    How does that sound?
  10. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    You have to kind of estimate when your disputes will be received and opened by the CRAs.

    I think that if they receive our disputes around 3,4,5 days before Thanksgiving they will be more likely to take the time to verify. Ideally, you want them to receive it either the day before Thanksgiving or on the critical days of November 29th, 30th or 2nd and 3rd of Dec.

    I don't know if I would send them all of your dipuste at one time. I would send them a little at a time throughout that critical week. Some by snail mail and some online.
  11. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    Are you saying do both at the same time? The reason I asked is becasue I thought somewhere I read that one or all of the CRA's use that as a ploy to gain additional time or verification.

    For example, you mail the crrr and they receive it on Monday, then on Wednesday you do an online investigation request. I'm thinking that I read that they consider this additional information becasue there is already an existing investigation going on and therefore they extend the 30 days. I could be totally wrong and I hope I am. Just want to clarify because I got some sputing to do!
  12. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    the only problem w/ this is that by doing more than one dipute, they can add days to the previous dispute--15 days I think but I won't swear by it. I would do 3-4 all at once, so they can't add any extra time at the end.
  13. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    I've done a little searching and haven't been able to find the reference to it yet. But I do also remember someone relating that TU specifically was giving themselves an extra 15 days if a 2nd dispute was received during the 30 day verification period, even if the two disputes were totally unrelated.

    Seems to me like they're setting themselves up for a lawsuit (so what else is new) but those planning on several CHOD disputes with TU should probably take this into account and send them together. (Probably hand written and/or on their form.)

    I have 2 with EX that I'm sending CRRR and separately.


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