On the other side of the phone...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by daisies, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    LOL, we have a solution for that problem here: we tell them not to talk to collectors on the phone at all. Only in writing. Too many tricky collectors (I know not all are tricky, but that telephone lie detector thingy doesn't really work). <VBG>

  2. learnmore

    learnmore Well-Known Member

    Hi Daisies,

    I've got a question for you. Is it possible for a CSR to do all of the below:

    1) delete lates ( for example, 9x 30days, 4x 60, 7x 90+ from 2/99 to 5/01 timeperiod...paid on time since then through CCCS)

    2) upon complete payoff (if willing to do above), do AR to re-open credit line to existing or smaller credit line?

    That is what I'm trying to accomplish but I want to make sure I do it "right".

    Thanks for any suggestions!
  3. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Why criticize bill collectors and credit agency employees. Someone has to do the job. We need a market of low skilled jobs, requiring little or no education so losers like bill collectors can work too. Without low skill jobs what would those folks do - waiters or dishwashers maybe? Maybe sewer cleaners?
  4. JohnnyBloo

    JohnnyBloo Active Member

    Mighty defensive, aren't we Gib? Is there a hidden reason for that?

    Johnny Blood
  5. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I don't think Gib was being defensive JB, rather, you might be considered offensive for that offhand remark.
  6. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I thought gib had it about right.
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    The collector buys insurance- true!

    It's been a couple of months since this happened, so I think I am safe posting it now. I almost died I wanted to post it so bad when it happened.

    A guy called in for auto insurance. Strong voice, sounded like a radio announcer, had the charm turned on, hehe. We go through the questions on the app, and he kept stressing that he was "leveling" with me. That always makes me wonder, LOL.

    We get to the credit question (can I pull credit?) He says "oh, yeah, of course. I'm not hiding anything. I mean I owe a few people. And I have a judgment I haven't paid yet, but the court date was pretty recent.... But I want to uh, level with you, you know. So yeah uh, my credit isn't great but....." He never gave me a chance to say I didn't have to do it if he didn't want to.

    Next we get to occupation and employer (we give disounts to certain companies) and he said he was a collection manager. Then he backed off and said he was a collector, but he was working on a promotion to manager. (Heck he could say he was president of the company - I have no way to check). So, my interest piqued, I said, "oh really? Wow! Who do you work for?" (like I was impressed) So he tells me, and I recognized the name ;).

    Driving record was next, and he gives a long accounting of each ticket, etc. still with the booming cordial tone of voice. We get to the DUI. He stammers, stutters, etc. Then the accident that was caused by the DUI. He was also driving without insurance. That was the judgment - they sued him personally. Mandatory suspensions, etc. Financial responsibility filing. over $1,000 every 6 months for libility only.

    About halfway through I hear an older woman in the backround asking him questions. He covers the mouthpiece to answer her.

    I start closing the sale, he agrees right up to the money part. He didn't have a credit card. I said, "that's okay we can do a check over the phone." He didn't have any bank account <VBG> (we know about that, now, don't we?). The booming "radio announcer" voice is gone, and he sounds like a whining little kid.

    His relative (the one he was talking to) starts talking to him non-stop (didn't believe we were really giving him insurance, LOL). He stutters and stammers and I say "put her on the phone, Jack." She grills me for a few minutes, is satisfied, so I closed her for the money. She pays using her Citibank card (I know the numbers, LOL). We chatted a few minutes, I gave her the policy number, faxed her the binder, and changed the payment address to her address, LOL.

    And that's the story of how the collector bought his insurance.

  8. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Nothing defensive on my part as much as it is finding your posts offensive. I went back and read all of your posts, and most are critical of posters and their credit. No hidden agenda or reasons either. What's your story? Would you happen to be a collector for Sprint PCS?

  9. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Re: The collector buys insurance- true!

    LOL, and these are the people who call others dead beats?
  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Re: The collector buys insurance- true!

    he he he, Breeze

    Thank you!!!!!

    Do what I say and not what I do, eh? LOL

  11. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: The collector buys insurance- true!

    daisies, Thank you for your "side of the story". Alot of what you are saying is common sense, but we don't always use common sense!! breeze, Great story!!! Charlie
  12. daisies

    daisies Member

    wow, lots of comments... For the record, I love my job, I love helping people, I have been doing it 10 years now (different areas of credit, not just CSR) And get paid quite well. (That was for the previous sewer cleaner remark) I do this because I choose to.
    I have a college degree, just because you are on the phones, doesnt mean you arent educated.

    All I was saying is common sense, I understand people get angry for things, We all do. My point is that if you know you screwed up, you have fees, you are calling for a credit, obviously you want help with something, I was just telling you the best way to go about it to get the results you want, nothing more.

    I understand that there are bad CSR's. I know that. I work with a few. There are mean people everywhere. When you get a rep like that, just dont argue, just say you have to go and call back later. Obviously there are personality conflicts, its just unfortunate if you let that ruin your chance of getting what you want.

    Calling late at night also increases your chances of getting extra things... Its a fact, late night reps usually do more for the customer because they are relaxed, management has gone home, its not as busy.

    I can tell you that I have worked for 2 of the top 10 credit card issuers and its the same way.

    We are all here on this board for the same reason. To improve our credit in one way or another, I thought it would be interesting to some of you to see it on the other side, as I had previously said, take it for what its worth to you, if you are doing great on your own, and dont want to know little ways that can help you, then keep on doing it your way.

    Someone else mentioned that its our job to deal with irate customers. Yes, you are absolutely right, but those people who are nasty, beligerent, and downright rude, get service, they get the company policy, and they dont get the extra mile, or added fluff. A rep is just more apt to go that extra mile when you are sincere.

  13. daisies

    daisies Member

    I handle angry customers quite well, thank you. Im not "scewing someone" for being upset. Im sorry that you missed my point. there's just a difference between speaking rationally and being condescending.
  14. daisies

    daisies Member

    I lknow thats part of my job. I provide service to those people, I answer their questions, I help them with what they need, I am not rude, I just pick and choose who I will go that extra mile for, its not everyone.

    I am not rude to someone just because they are angry. I know thats part of my job, I have no problem with that, what I am saying is that if you are wanting something extra, be nice, the rep just may do you a favor thats all. Giving an adjustment, reducing the APR, or removing a past due status, is a COURTESY, not a requirement. And 95% of the time, its the reps decision whether its done or not.
  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx Daisies,

    I have a question. Suppose I call one day and don't get along all that well with the CSR. Maybe it just wasn't my day.

    Suppose now I call a week later and get a different CSR. Does the 2nd CSR know the contents of my "unfriendly" conversation from last week? and hold it against me?

  16. Jlava73

    Jlava73 Member

    Re: Speaking the truth

    I agree 100%! I try to keep in mind whenever I call a CRA or CC company that maybe I can be the one person who is not screaming at them today. I spoke to a lady at a CRA one day who
    deleted a few items over the phone for me, She went the extra mile I'm sure because she was
    happy to have someone on the other end of the phone who was actually pleasant to her, so it
    really does pay to be friendly and nice. People like to know that they are making a difference!
  17. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member

    Can you elaborate on the "internal" score

    you spoke of ; what factors is it comprised of,

    other than the obvious of some one being late.

    I'm interested to know exactly what this "score"


  18. daisies

    daisies Member

    Hi Butch,

    The 2nd CSR MAY know, depending if the 1st one noted the acct. If it was extremely bad, it was probably noted, if it was just borderline, they may not have noted anything. However, if you call a week later, its not generally held against you as bad as if you were to hang up and call back immed, and probably get another rep they sit near. Just be upbeat and positive the next time you call.

    Everyone bumps heads with someone sometimes.

  19. daisies

    daisies Member

    Internal score is based on many things,
    lates, overlimits, pay in full, paying the minimum, paying in between, time the acct has been open, if you have other accts with this company, purchase activity, types of purchases you make (cash advances or everyday purchases like groceries and gas isnt good because its like you are depending on the card to live) They also look at ratios, bal to credit line, stuff like that.

    It takes a long time to build up a high score, You have to be a pay in full for at least 2-3 yrs and have an account open 3-4 years before you will have a real high score. You have to have a lot of time to establish history. All of your accts with the company have to be good like that. Its not based solely on the one card, (if you have more than 1)

    If you pay 5x the min every month, credit line at say 3000.00, revolving balance at around 2000.00, you use your card monthly, never late, you think you have a good acct, Its been open say 2 years, your score is probably at 55% out of 100. Good would be 70% of 100. Great would be above 90%, these are just examples. Your score is also based on your credit bureau. Just because its "internal" doesnt mean your credit report doesnt play a factor. It does, and it plays a big one.
    So with that same account, if you have negatives on your report, your score just dropped to around 30% and thats considered bad. So you may think you have great history with that particular acct, your score probably isnt as high as you think, unless you add years of history and utilization under 50%, and a good credit report, then you can add another 25 points to the 55.

    Does that make any sense?
  20. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the detailed response,

    what exactly are these internals used for though?

    For example, I have no late pay issues, no

    overlimit issues, but I do use my cards for everthing,

    groceries included to obtain rewards, what type of

    impact would this have?

    Also, if in the database of internal scores, certain

    scores drop to an "unacceptable" level are they

    looked at without the consumer calling in for any


    How do they look @ balance transfers??

    Thanks again for your insightful info.

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