yes, that all makes sense to me. However, does that internal score figure when you are asking for certain things as I did a few threads up?
Get real, no CSR, bill collector, or related job busts 100k per year. After 10 years you probably barly make 40k, if even that. 40k is not getting paid well, it is entry level salary for a professional position. And if you love helping people so much, then understand they are probably mad because of some idiotic error your co. made which is costing them. Use a little understanding instead of demanding everybody be nice. Exercise the golden rule. Return kindness for evil, etc... It's your job to make the best of a bad situation. You have the opportunity to create a happy customer, if you will forget your own personal feelings for a moment, and focus on the charge your company has set before you, which is act as the first line of communication between the organization and the customer. If you come across as sassy, rude, or obnoxious, then your company comes across as sassy, rude, or obnoxious. Get it? Anyway, the sewer cleaner comment was directed at bill collectors, and credit agency employees. Not CSRs.
i have several friend who work for a local credit card company. i just told one about this post. they did give me a valuable hint to post here. if you believe you sent in a payment on time and the company put it on youre account late ask the csr to look at the date on the check. apparently at least the csrs from this company can all look at the copy of the check you sent and view the date you put on the check. if the csr sees that you dated the check way before the due date (chances are you dated the check the same day you mailed it). they will be likely to remove any late fees. they also said that if you are rude to a csr from their company that will not affect how they deal with youre call unless you start cursing at them. they will give you 3 warnings and if you continue to curse at them they will hang up on you. also the next csr will know about the conversation but will not hold it against you unless you start cursing at them too. also they said if you need to speak to a supervisor ask for one dont just ask to speak to somebody else. the csr cannot transfer you to a supervisor unless you specifically ask for one. i dont know how true this is because i dont work there but i have friends who work for many different credit card co (there are allot in my area) and they said it is.
I thought that internal scores had alot to to with profitability, and if you're paying in full each month, you sure aren't making them as much money as someone who is carring a moderate balance. Infact I've recently heard of people actually having their cards closed due to paying them off each month.
I have good credit, am not in any kind of bind, and I still have a lot of criticism for bill collectors and credit agencies. So NYA! For the record, there have been instances where creditors have tried to take advantage of me as a customer, and if I hadn't given them the smackdown, they would have PUT me in a bind. Not that I blame the CSR's. They're usually helpful if they're able to be. I don't typically find a need to speak with a supervisor. Polite interaction will usually inspire my CSR to go speak with the supervisor on my behalf if such is necessary. If I have a problem with the terms or service, I take it out on the bottom line - I don't use the card. -ingenue
The original jist was that a CSR was letting us know the scope of her authority and some of her pet peeves that we, as consumers, can avoid in order to make the most of our interactions with customer service representatives. The services she cited were credit limit increases and APR reductions - not collections. As for the level of politeness of bill collectors, the fact that they treat their dunning victims as "receivables" instead of human beings is the reason they don't (and shouldn't) receive a favorable response. -ingenue
Ok a friend of mine works at a HUUUUUUGE local phone company. She has told me that they put notes on a customer's account if they are rude. Also, I worked for an answering service many moons ago. We mostly answered for doctors. When someone would call say Dr. Joe, a screen would pop up with all the info he/she wants, MANY doctors would have, How did the patient speak to you? We would answer with Nice or nasty. We also had a list of "drug seekers" for all our doctors. These weren;'t things we did on our own, these were things doctors wanted us to ask. BTW- the #1 thing I heard from people was "Sally/Johnny has been sick ALL week so i thought I'd call the doctor".....ALL WEEK???? But they wait to bug the doctor Satruday afternoon!!!!
LOL, that's rich, now we're going decide whether you receive medical attention or not based on whether your naughty or nice...
They didn't make our credit bad. We did. smogtek =============== How does reporting errors on our reports make us the ones who make our credit bad instead of them making it bad????
It's your job to assuage angry customers. Now you say if they aren't nice from the beginning they aren't getting squat. Gee, they have a problem or they wouldn't be calling. You should be more understanding to WHY they are upset rather than figuring out how to screw them FOR being upset. Gib ================== right on Gib: Wer're not supposed get upset when they screw us we should be nice and thank em instead for the shafting. LB 59
1*the fact remains that you got yourself in a terrible bind. 2*You re the one to blame for your own hardships more often than not. 3*One of the first steps in a 12 step program is admitting you have a problem. Johnny Blood ============================= 1*70% of reports are erroneous. How did i get myself in that terrible bind? 2*Why and how am i to blame for the hardship of incorrect billing & reporting? 3*see 1*-2*
Why should we be polite to a company that is screwing us? PAE ================== Right PAE-you only reap what you sow. If they want consumer respect and kindness perhaps they should sow a little of the same.
1* But I don't feel for you if you're upset with legal procedures set forth by a company that is collecting on a debt. 2*your own demise is because you mismanaged your money. 3*If they are trying to recover money, they have that right, especially if you are rude to them. Johnny Blood ================== 1*wither you know it or not you just described the problem with this statement. The company doesn't have the authority to set legal procedures. They aren't the law and they think that they are above the law. 2*Wither I've mismanaged my money or not does not give them the option of violating the law. 3*No - There legal rights are not enhanced by my temperament. LB 59
1* But I don't feel for you if you're upset with legal procedures set forth by a company that is collecting on a debt. 2*your own demise is because you mismanaged your money. 3*If they are trying to recover money, they have that right, especially if you are rude to them. Johnny Blood ================== 1*wither you know it or not you just described the problem with this statement. The company doesn't have the authority to set legal procedures. They aren't the law and they think that they are above the law. 2*Wither I've mismanaged my money or not does not give them the option of violating the law. 3*No - Their legal rights are not enhanced by my temperament. LB 59
But then again, why does someone with debt and credit problems want a cell phone? Seems to me it is just another luxury you could do without. Johnny Blood ============== Yep we should do without because of the price gouging felicitated by the shell game called Fico which takes advantage of the errors on our credit reports.
Re: On the other side of the phone. I work for a major ISP and we also put notes on accounts if customers are rude. And, of course, we immediately start recording the calls. CYA, that sort of thing. Ducky
If the scores drop to an unacceptable level, you will no longer get an automatic increase, and the balance transfer offers may disappear. (like future offers) most of it is transparent to the customer, but rate reductions wouldnt be offered. Stuff like that.