Do anyone know where I can get a EIN number?If you know please post it.If you dont know where to get one dont post your CRAP about how it is a crime to used one. BOSSHOG
We don't put up with your crap on this board. That is a very illegal thing to do and I for one certainly don't condone it. Read through this board. Clean up your report using legal methods. They work and it is so much fun when you succeed. You will meet a lot of friends along the way as well. Is this KG in disguise?
If your not smart enought o know where to request an EIN, your not smart enough to have one. Now go back in the corner and be quiet and read the good little posts that are placed on this board and follow them like a good boy.
I don't know where to get one, but it is a crime to "used" one. Why being that this is your "first" post under this user name, and pretending to be a new user, would come off with this attitude? How long til this one gets closed also?
No, not yet, but in two years I will be. Please take you and your ilk elsewhere. This is a great board and we really don't want people demanding information with conditions placed on them. Have a nice day sir.
Could you please describe "people like me". Oh, and don't get abusive or use profane language Bobby, it's not becoming.
To answer your question, yes, I know where to get an EIN. It took me about 60 seconds from the time I read this to the time I had a downloaded copy of the necessary form coming off my printer. If you had a clue, you could do that also. It's illegal to use it for anything other than the business purpose for which it was intended. It's called fraud. It's a felony punishable by years in federal prison. Feel free to find an EIN for yourself and use it, just don't write us from Leavenworth asking why we didn't warn you.
I just got a email where to buy the EIN numbers at. Usted golpe muerto ningún asno que paga los agujeros puede tomar sus scams de la reparación del crédito y empujarlos encima de su asno. Bosshog
You'd think as the former lead singer for Menudo, he would have managed his money better, then maybe he wouldn't be attempting to obtain a legal number for possible illegal purposes.
Since you put it so eloquently, here you go, bosshog:,,id=97851,00.html They say that when you first arrive in prison, you should try to kill someone, anyone. You don't necessarily have to succeed, and you might get roughed up by the guards a little, but it'll show the other inmates that you're a really dangerous kook who means business. It could forestall your inevitable gang rape by several days, if you play your cards right. Regards, wajaba
LOL Wow, I must have screwed up. I filled out the proper form, called the proper phone number and got mine for the new corporation for free. And I could have paid for this! DemPooches
Hog, You got some bad information, they're free! Go ahead and pay for one though, I don't want to be posting any crap. Sassy
wajaba, Once they find out he's a notorious "EIN thief" the inevitable gang rape will occur much, much sooner. They don't take too kindly to "those types" in the joint. Even the child molesters have no sympathy for them
LOL Hahahahaha Bobby. Translates to: You dead blow no a$$ that pays the holes can take his scams from the repair of the credit and push them upon its a$$. At least you spell your spanish better than your asia-engli-spanish that you normally write. -Peace, Dave
You bonehead, you can get the EIN for free. How much did you get taken for? Want to buy some swampland?
I've got some passports and green cards you can buy. Just call me at 1-800-375-5283 and leave a message with how many you need and where you can be contacted.
Will Said.............clean your out credit this the same kev, KG or whatever posting under a new name.........IF SO, IT AIN'T HAPPENING.......SEE YA