I got the Target visa and I did not even request it, it says it will replace my Guest card. 4000 limit!!. When you call that # to activate it do you have to speak to anyone or is it automated?
Congrats! Thats awesome! I have a couple of questions for you. How long have you had the guest card ? What was your limit on the guest card ? Im not sure if it's automated or not, I dont have the visa. I know with the guest card I didnt have to call in to activate it. However the first time I used it they had to call the authorization center , and I had to show my ID.
I just activated the card, did not have so speak to anyone. and the exact time I had my Target guest card was since 5/01. Anyone know why they upgraded mine to a Target visa in only 18 months? Also, on the credit reports what will the original Guest card be listed as since it is superceeded by the Target visa and no longer valid?