My old credit union has the meanest (rhymes with) witches around! I had moved my checking account to Firststar Bank (now US Bank) back in November of 2001. I was unhappy with my credit union. I cancelled AOL, who had been deducting my monthly fees from my credit union bank account in December 2001. I was waiting on some checks to clear and was eventually going to close my checking account with the c.u. if I liked Firststar. Well, AOL continued to hit my account up until May 2002. I didn't know about this. I called my bank yesterday and they basically said "too bad, so sad" about the nsf fees. They are going to turn my checking account over to collections. I tried to tell them that all these nsf fees were as a result of AOL hitting my account without my authorization. They didn't care. I think she even enjoyed my misery! What a _itch! I filed a complaint with the BBB and sent a letter to the President of the Credit Union. If I could just figure out who the board of directors were.... I would send them a copy of the letter too. I really dislike people who take pleasure in someone else's misery.
Good call.. although what are you doing about AOL?? If you are somehow help responsible for the NSF fees ectectect Someone is going have to pay it and it should be AOL/
I can't help you with your problem, but this should be a warning to anyone who is thnking of using AOL or who uses it now. The continued billing after cancellation is a very big problem. The best way to avoid it is to avoid AOL. If you do cancel, make sure you have plenty of proof you did.
It's really common for isps to keep billing (any auto-billing to keep billing really). All you have to do is contact AOL and have them reverse the charges and all the fees will automatically be reversed. It's very simple, it just has nothing to do w/the credit union. Amy
AOL will not reverse the charges. This is quite a money maker for them! Other providers might do so, but not AOL. I realize that this is not the credit union's problem. But they are willing to "hang me out to dry" for their own sick pleasure. You should have....You should have... The bottom line is that I wasn't getting statements at my new residence for this checking account anymore. I did not know that AOL was hitting my account. They were doing this twice a month from January until May! They even told me that they sent me a letter in early March and it was returned to them. So they hit my account 5 more times? WTF? When my credit union attempts to profit from someone else's unethical practices at my expense, that sucks! That is malicious. They have since closed my checking account (obviously I wasn't using it anyway), reported me to chex systems, and are going to turn these nsf''s over to a collection agency. It's not like I was out writing checks on money that I didn't have. These people were trying to take money out of my account without my authorizaton. I have PFB'd them, but they have not contacted me yet. It has been approximately a month, and not a word from them. I was reading about a strategy for credit buidling regarding secured loans from credit unions. I thought about utilizing my membership to this creditunion again. Not now!
My credit union is holding it's monthly board of directors meeting next Tuesday. Guess where I'll be?
Wow. That's really crappy of AOL, but I've heard that complaint about them A LOT. Don't know what's been posted here, but I would do a search on AOL billing, etc. and see whatothers have done. Your CU didn't even give you a dispute resolution form? What is their dispute policy (besides 'you should have')? I'm thinking small claims court for aOL and the CU. Geez. Amy
AOL does this very often. It happened to me. I called AOL and the CSR Manager told me it was not their fault that I cannot balance my checkbook! Boy, was I hot!! I never heard anything from them but they reversed the charges they had put on my account. I went to the bank WAMU and the lady was soooo nice. She said AOL does this all the time. And processed the paperwork to reverse all the charges and nsf fees. So I was not out any money. They made me a WAMU customer for life with that. Everyone was so helpful. AOL can do something, call them and bug them until they do. Speak to a manager or one of the higher-ups. Anyone who will listen basically.
oH! beta's advice was better than mine. I've had the same prob w/my isp. If you can hang on the phone for long enough it all gets straightened out. Amy
Sirrowan- You're not getting the right person with AOL, they WILL reverse the charges but they WONT pay for your NSF fees, unless you sue. With AOHell it's not politeness that's going to get you what you want, its the squeaky wheel!
I've had this happen to me too. i closed my credit card account and aol still kept billing me. i asked them how aol can legally do this. they said its in the contract that i agreed to when i signed up for aol. that they can charge the credit card on file whether its open or closed. i didnt agree to anything like this and can't find that anywhare in there terms. does anyone know how aol can legally do this?
I guess I am a computer illiterate, but, it seems to me that if you had cancelled AOL, wouldn't you have noticed that you were still able to use the service? And if you were still using the service, how did you think it was being paid for?
AOL kept hitting your bank account for 5 to 6 months and you didn't get a single NSF notice from your credit union? Also, if you closed your account with the credit union, wouldn't you have received a final statement denoting the fact that your account was closed, or some other proof? If so, the credit union should have not accepted the checks at all and should have returned the charges back to AOL. Your situation seems awfully odd. And yes, I know from experience that if AOL charges you for service after you've terminated it, they will in fact reverse the charges. Johnny Blood
Having worked at a bank for many years, I know from a lot of customer's experiences that it doesn't matter who the company is when it comes to auto deductions. Insurance companies are really good at it too. If I cancel anything, I write, call and fax. You just can't take any chances. Always be sure to read the fine print so you know the companies policy on cancelling. Your credit union sounds like a bunch of wicked witches, they CAN very well reverse the charges. Do you have proof of when you cancelled AOL? (letter or fax?) I agree with your course of action though, let the higher ups know how your "bankers" were ever so helpful. I'd for sure have someones butt on the line for that type of treatment. Go get em! Newstdt
Why chat: If you cancel AOL, it is still on your computer. I have done everything to erase it, including formatting the hard drive. It will not go away. If you are using another service, AOL is still lurking in the background, very likely withiout your knowledge. So, to answer your question, he was probably using his new service and did not even know AOL was still there. I have always heard that if an atomic bomb was dropped on a city, the roaches would be the only thing that survived. I think that old theory can be changed. If an atomic bomb was dropped on a computer, AOL would be the only thing that survived. It is worse than any virus.
I bought a new Dell computer not too long ago and was given AOL free 6 months free.. I already have an ISP but I figured what the heck..I would try this OAL thing out.. AOL is trashey.. The chat rooms are horrible. I wonder how in the world this could be safe for a child to use. Anyhow I used it for 1 months and cancelled it. The AOL CSR was stunned that I was willing to cancel a 6 month free trial. They were going to extend it to 12 months free if you believe that. I refused and never looked back.
Let this be a lesson to all regarding automatic bank account deductions. I will NEVER allow a company to automatically deduct money from my account. It's too risky and I've heard too many horror stories, and have had too many friends that had 'double deduction', cancelled accounts that continued to deduct, etc etc etc. Jeez, I still get a bill every month from AT&T Worldnet and I cancelled them in like '96 But I didn't allow them to charge a credit card or deduct from a bank account so I'm not out any cash! If they can't credit your paper check payments properly what makes you think they can handle the electronic drafts?!!!