Ducky, Here's a thread where this was discussed earlier today. Hope this helps. DemPooches
Pooches, Thanks! I had seen lots of simple definitions of it, but didn't understand the rationale behind it. Thank you though, that explained it perfectly! Ducky
Uhhhh... I thought last year we did them on the 7th??? That way we were getting the Christmas vacationers and the New Years vacationers. Alright figure Christmas is on Wednesday, they'll be closed. Chances are they will close early the day before, same for most if not all CC companies. I vote for getting it to the CRA's BY the 7th Of course you're welcome to vote me off the island....errr your own thing .
I agree that closer to Christmas and New Years would be better. I think that they are only off for 2 days, at most, w/ Thanksgiving. W/ Christmas and New Years being on Wednesdays this year, those weeks are significantly shorter. A lot of people will take off tues to friday I'll bet, during Christmas week. That's why I was planning on my disputes being due directly after New Years. Maybe the 2nd. All those hungover CRA employees! LOL
I'm willing to go either way, but I think the idea for the O in CHOD is for a consensus, so it would probably be in our collective best interests to try to come up with one. I think that's the reason a discussion about dates has been posted a couple of times, to get to some meeting of the minds. One other thing that would be better with a later date is heavier Christmas mail. I would think the latest day one would want them to be signed for is the 6th and the 5th would probably be better since they seem to often ignore the 31st day and make them from calendar day to calendar day. (Dec 6-Jan 6 for example) Once again, I am totally open and willing to go with the group. My strong preference is for consensus. DemPooches
Credit Reporting Agencies get overwhelmed during the holidays, specifically between Thankgiving and New Year's. Credit Card companies flood the CRA with holiday Instant Approval applications to be processed with credit checks. A large number of staff at both the CRAs, Credit Card companies, collection agencies, etc. are on the maximum number of vacation days during this time. It makes it difficult to get all of the incoming credit report disputes resolved during the 30 day time period that they have to do so. More negative accounts are deleted during CHOD than at any other time of the year. So get your disputes ready to send off on November 25th.
Because Ducky, if the CRA are flooded with disputes during the holidays there are more people off work and less time for them to verify, thus they have to delete the tradeline off your file. All good stuff!
So are we doing CHOD on 11/23, or 12/7? I'm a virgin CHODder, so am anxious to see what it can do. What's the consensus? Also, regarding sending multiple disputes instead of disputing everything in one letter: doesn't that give the CRA an additional 15 days if they recieve more info? I know technically if it is entirely separate disputes, can't they use the "more info" excuse to tack on the additional time?
Mike, As far as I know, TU seems to be the only CRA claiming an additional 15 days for multiple disputes. I'm sending individual ones to EQ and EX but haven't decided about TU. I'm leaning toward sending a single letter with multiples on it to them. I don't think there IS a consensus about the dates yet. Reading through the thread shows there are clearly differing opinions. Hopefully everyone with an opinion will plead the case for their position and help others decide. DemPooches
Many folks are saying that you should sent your disputes on 11/25. That is fine if you want you mail opened on Mon 12/2. I submit, that the goal is to get it to the CRAs by 11/26. So sending them on 11/25 will not work. Each dispute I have sent was thru regular USPS no CRRR. All correspondence back from the CRAs were dated 7-10 days after the date I sent the dispute. It would be ideal to get them to open your dispute on 11/27 enter it and the let it sit over the holiday weekend and then let nature take its course. I believe that sending disputes the 7 to 10 days prior to when you want them to open it is the best action. It may take longer to get there with holiday mail and some of the fine folks here sending letters at the same time.
Well i guess i will dispute my wife's and mine on or around 12/7/2002. I just disputed some of my tradelines online on 10/02/2002. Still waiting for results from 9/14/2002 disputes for the wife. Looks like I will be sending out 10 letters to eqx and 10 to exp. and 2 with all the listings to tu? May the CRA's be swamped for days!!!!!!!!!
Couldn't you just dispute online around 11/25? I might end up disputing online, but I was going to wait until at least 11/26. Yes, I'm going to print up the page showing the date that I disputed, that way I have a solid 30 days so they can't try anthing Just wondered what everyone's thoughts were about disputing online around 11/25 or 11/26. I only ask because I too am a virgin CHODer. Andi
You also have to take into consideration where you live. Let's take Experian as an example. If you live in New York, for example, you might want to send off your disputes on the 22nd or 23rd of opposed to those who live closer to Texas...whose mail would get there sooner.
I don't think it's necessary that they get them all on the same exact day--I think the same week would be sufficient. I wouldn't do them online I don't think, because you want them to sit around for awhile after they get signed for. My online disputes always seem to be faster. Maybe it's a separate department, I'm not sure. But, I think I'll do mine CRRR. I'm not doing them separately though, because I'm disputing 8, and right around the holidays I know I'll be strapped for cash. I'll do one for each CRA. But if I do have the extra $$$. I'll do them sep.
What we really need here is a current of former credit bureau employee to give us some of the trade secrets. I wonder if they are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of employment? We need to absof******lutely bombard them with disputes no matter what date we send them!
smogtek has a very good point. What if we sent in numerous disputes for our make believe friends? I would be willing to invest $20 in stamps to send in disputes for my many made up friends...
i will be doing mine by crrrr during the week of 11/25 because i want them opened by the first week of december!