Hi, Today is a bad day so far and its only 6am! I woke up and checked my Capital One visa... they charged me a $29 late fee. It seems that my electronic payment never got to them. When I go into my checking acct I do not see it. What should I do? I immedialy went into cap1's online payment system and paid 3x the minimum. What should I do... I have been working so hard to get the lates from 1997 off and now I will have another one. I am about to cry Thanks, Allen
Allen- If you were just charged today for the late fee then chances are you aren't 30 days late, just a few days late. I would call them and tell them exactly what you just told us Just ask nicely if there is any way to remove the late fee.
this is what it says 08 OCT PAST DUE FEE $29.00 oh i see.. 30 days late really means 2 billing cycles late? How is the 30 days calculated? THANKS KHM
I'm not 100% sure which date is used but it's either the statement closing date or the due date, So if your cycle closes on say October 10th, TECHNICALLY you wouldn't be 30 days late until 11/09. BUUUUUUUT if they go by the due date and your due date was 10/7/02 then technically you wouldn't be 30 days late until 11/6/02. Just keep in mine SOME companies mark you as 30 days late on your CR's even if you're only 3 days late, however I don't *THINK* Cap One is one of them. Just call them.
That's really odd. I've never had an issue with it going through. I did once.. forget to change it off an account that I closed and thus "bounced" a pmt... and they forgave it and reversed the issue. Here's what you do It can be saved. Call Cap1 now. Be brutally honest about what happened. TELL them over and over how you value them and while you're not as concerned about the money.... you are freaked about the impact to your relationship with Cap1...tell them you're rebuilding and thus you understand the impact of the payments being on time every time...tell them you've learned a lesson on paying at the last minute... even if it is electronically... As an aside...is there any chance you paid after 3pm and thus.. it will credit tomorrow? ask them..they may be able to see pending payments... I forget if a rep did this or if a supervisor helped me... but what they did was to reverse the issue as though it never happened... they can do that on their computer... to where it looks to the computer and to anyone looking at it like you've never missed a pmt... and again.. I don't remember if I waited until I posted another payment b/f calling... but if I were you I'd call now and let them know.. if you have to call back when the new payment posts too...then do. I got it "reversed" and they offered the 29 back. they're human and you know they make mistakes or that the computer can occasionally screw up... I laughed and asked them how many people call up and admit how important their credit card and their relationship with that company is... how silly am I being????but they respected the payment history... if your payment history is perfect... I'd bet my first born child that they'll cut you slack and reverse it... but keep mentioning you're really freaked... that you want to always seem perfect with them and that's what you're worried about.. the permanent record with them.... so to speak... Call now and if you have to call back when the pmt posts you'll feel better. If they have to wait until the payment clears to fix it (likely) then ask them to please make sure to note the account that you called immediately They like people who are obsessive about paying As an aside.. I always pay online at least a week b/f it's due.. then I confirm the pmt made it.. that gives some slack perhaps that's a good idea as it gives buffer time for errors... just a suggestion and my credit report still is perfect from them... so it did work
SHE REMOVED IT... OH HAPPY DAY she said it wouldnt be reported to the credit agencies OH YEA BABE!!!!!!! I have learned my lesson... always check that the electronic payments got there.. never assume they did thanks KHM!
Cap1 employees are so nice. They really have outstanding customer service. they're very human I really wonder if you paid after 3pm... and thus it might hit tonight Oh... be really obsessive. After the new payment posts... call back. Politely ask if the reversal really posted (ask them to check and see if the payments still look perfect on the history). If so... then it was done right. Can you tell I'm nuts I confirm everything a day or 2 later... just to be certain.
One time my payment didn't post and the reason was that I didn't hit "Submit" the third or forth time they asked if I was sure I wanted to make the payment. Just wasn't paying close enough attention. My Bad, but luckily I was paying early. Anna