hi guys, Need some expert advise. I did receive cap1 business miles one preapproved and discover is sending me pre aproved each week. For cap1 business , I dont own a busines....should I apply either way. and Discover....My scores are below. Still has couple derg and late payments shows in my report. Recently apply for a auto loan and got aproved from cap1 auto for $15000.00 but apr was kinda high. and also applied at best buy card, they denied me but yesterday got Household master card with 1000 limit but annual fee is $69 . calle dthem yesterday to remove the fee and said tehy will not. Please experts let me know if I should apply for the discover and cap1 . exp -620 Eqf- 650 Tu- 589( very hard to deal with these ppl) thanks in advance akm
I am no expert however, I got declined for a discover card (THANKS SALLIE MAE) with a score over 620 and the declination letter used scoring criteria as a reason factor for the decline. I would wait and see if you can get into or above 680 and then apply.
598 - Discover Declined 613 - Discover Declined 626 - Discover Declined 648 - Discover Declined 662 - Discover Declined 676 - Discover Declined 682 - Discover Declined I finally gave up. I'm holding out for Amex. Boo Discover anyway. L
Why would you want a discover card bad enough to apply 7 times? I applied once, was denied due to length of history of accts. That's it. Too bad. Now Amex gets my business.
I think right same. I have a Discover card for a year but no CL increase. I am going to cancel it. Why need it, I have a AMEX cash rebate card that gives lot moew bwtter rebate even comparing Discover plantium card.
Whyspers, Have you tried AMEX lately? We started with the gold and the delta skymiles (converted to optima platinum). We've got 7 total accounts with them now between the business and personal and they have been great. Getting them was a lot easier than others (a WHOLE lot easier than Discover) and they are very driven by your past activity with them. We charge absolutely everything in life to Amex if we can. We have right at 100K membership rewards points already. (And we just got our first account in Feb.) We got the same garbage from Discover that you did. The last decline was on a 723. That was it! We'll get Discover when they send an iron clad preapproval and a promo offer we can't refuse. No more wasted inqs with them! Give Amex a shot if you haven't. You might get a nice surprise. DemPooches
thanks guys, they send me 4 offer last 2 months. And I havent applied yet. should I apply amex. I did apply couple months ago and they denied me. thanks akm
akm, I don't think your scores are quite high enough yet for AMEX. We got our first gold in Feb with an EQ of 662. We had a $150, 7/2000 paid state tax lien and a 5+ year old $1300 paid school loan chargeoff. We had 4 tradelines at over 80% utilization, although it looks like our overall utilization was about 33% You're not far away, but I don't think I'd waste my inquiries at this point. DemPooches
Yes...I did want a Discover very badly (obviously) or I wouldnot have kept applying...lol. I'm not really sure why since their terms are never great and everything I have heard about them says they are a pain in the arse to deal with, but there you have it. Amex keeps declining me as well, DemPooches. I just applied a little over a week or so ago and got the "needs further processing", which in my case, always means "declined". Well...I did get GM Card with that message, but that's the only time. L
thanks guys for the advise. I did apply for the GM too , they denied me. I have still couple dispute under investigation, and they said that late pay, charge off, etc... But got Household with $1000 limit but $69. annual fee. thnx akm