I've been waiting this week for my last inq to fall off but it hasn't. I just realized that I have gone from 158 to 111 inq's. They have been PRM, AR, Equifax consumer disclosures. I have been waiting for the 2 softs before the last hard since Monday. No movement. So, I'm just curious if anyone else has had bumpage in the last 2 days?
We've had regular soft bumpage for the past 2 days. It'll be another 3 weeks or so before we're scheduled for hard again but everything looks normal at this point. One of our reports is at 151 inqs so we'll see if we have a similar issue soon. (We tend to run about a month or so behind you in most of the EQ bumpage issues.) DemPooches
I am down to 18 hards(snicker) and 2 are suppose to come off when I pull around 8:30 tonight. I will let you know if they pop off.
I had my last inquiry drop last week. However by calculations, I was counting on it being off Sept 25th. It took two extra weeks after they limited my pulling.
I had a hard fall off either 2 or 3 days ago I don't remember. It's still working, but I am still NOT in the 45 day club, for me it's about 60 days.
I was getting the softs deleted - 2 a day up until Tuesday. I had a hard bumped Sun or Mon. I got it to where there are 2 softs before my next hard. The softs from when I pull keep getting added to the top, but the bottom wasn't deleting. So today I decided to compare the inq list from the 7th and the one from today. They took off 47 at least. But the surprising thing is the type of inq's. PRM, AR and disclosures. Those had never come off before. Strange. I'll check it for another couple of days to see if it goes back to the way it was working.
Last night I had my last hard deleted (I will check the FICO today to see if any added points.) There hasn't been any problem on my report or my husband's with bumpage.
I can now confirm they got me all screwed up. I am adding 2 inq's per report and nothing is being deleted. I guess I have to start all over again now until I hit whatever the magic # is and they start coming off the bottom again. Damn, and I only had 2 softs to go til my last hard was coming off.
I don't know about the bumpage from the last 2 days as we managed to get the last of my husbands hard inquiries deleted a few days ago. Mine were previously deleted. But look at the middle part of your inquiries. We never deleted exactly from the bottom up. Many of the soft inquiries deleted were from the middle on our reports. Also, we got zero points for the last hard inquiry deleted. It is great that we now have no hards on EQ.