Currently, in possession of a Citi Plat Select, Amex Blue, Target Visa, Target Guest, Chevron, and Goody's. Woot! And I got a car now, paid cash for it. Its reliable and better on gas, so back and forth to school will save money. Oh and its fast.
this time? I wasn't in debt. My father used my credit report when I was under 18. So it wasn't hard to really get it fixed. Basically the successes are based on being approved for prime cards and getting a car. Also, I want to kick my Political Science professor square in the balls cause he is a moron. Just needed to vent. move along, Next!
Kiyi was being nice and ignored your comment, but i won't. What the He##?! You sure jumped to a lot of conclusions about a respected member of this board. Please keep your 'collector'-like comments to yourself. Because even if you have NEVER been late on any payment EVER, one day you might run into karma. As buddists like to say, don't let your Dharma catch up with your karma (figure it out) humblemarc
Good on your, kiyi!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! Sassy BTW, might not be good to kick your professor in the balls until AFTER the grades are in ;-)
Kiyi, that's terrific! My credit isn't out of the woods yet, but it makes me happy to hear the progress others are making!
Started in Apr 2002, and I had a fingerhut with a 100 dollar limit. Oh I still have that, oldest revolving tradeline.
Ditto Congrats Kiyi on your success! (Congrats humblemarc on keepin it real - in general - i've found i like people named marc - with a "c" or a "k" - i'm not picky
Velouria, Actually you have to be firm, never back down and push them harder. I had no money to fight them, still don't. But, I can keep a pretty significant paper trail and talk them to death. They get to the point where they want to do what you want just to get rid of you cause you are costing them money. LKH, Hehe Bugged them to death, stating that what they saw on my credit report is not accurate, eg. they said I have 6 inq. I only had 3. they stated my balances were too high, I replied, the credit limit isn't reported, only the high balance. Plus I have a direct number to a lady supervisor that was nice. charlieslex, Business is way slow, I don't have much time to even work at it like I was able to, with me attending fulltime college, its tough. And to everyone, just cause I have all these cards, you have to understand, the credit limit on them is not very high at all. Its just the prestige And I got 8 plane ticket voulchers from Citibank and 12 from Amex. so that was a Plus.
Kiyi, Congrats. How were you able to get the travel vouchers from AMEX? Did they come when you were approved? Is there a # to call to see if I can get them? Thanks. Willis
Which amex did you get. I got the pre-approved gold card last year and my offer had nothing like that. However, I do recall an offer of 1-4 free tickets for a student application. Now, I wished I would have applied. Thanks for the reply. Congrats, again. Willis