Pierce, Hamilton and Stern

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I did a search for them, and all I found was old stuff. Has anyone had any dealings with them? I am helping a friend that moved out of an apartment on 8/15, and the apartment said that she owed $500. She sent a letter questioning the 500 on 9/17. No response. Now, this Pierce, Hamilton and Stern sent a collection letter dated 10/7. It looks like they are a decent sized CA, but stupid sending a collection letter that quick.
  2. devilducky

    devilducky Member

    I have an outstanding collection with them. One of those apartment debts when you don't give enough notice to vacate. But, since I had to jump on a good new housing opportunity, I went ahead. So, I owed them one month's rent. The collection has lingered for a year or two at the bottom of my list of debts. I received a few notices in the first 6 months or so, but nothing since. I've never received calls, I barely heard from them at all. Last I checked, they do have a website:

    Just last week, I was lazily thinking about them, but couldn't remember their name. So thanks! :)

  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to get them to validate? I have a feeling thjat they will cave in fairly easily. Thanks Charlie
  4. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Don't hold your breath, they will not BUDGE !
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    What do you mean that they won't budge? That they won't properly validate? It has only been 45 days max since the girl moved out of the apartment. What did you do in your situation? Have you sued them yet? She sent a letter to the apartment trying to get them to address her concerns. She hasn't pulled her reports yet, but I wouldn't be surprised that it's already listed. She never refused that she owed them $. She only said that she gave $250 NONrefundable pet deposit, and they said that she owed another $250 pet deposit. Isn't there a law putting something in collections in less than 45 days? Thanks for any info. Charlie
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any more info on these guys? TIA Charlie
  7. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, did her lease state that she may be liable for another 250 pet deposit upon vacating the premises? Does she have her check showing that she paid the original 250 pet deposit? Is it noted on her lease that it was paid (usually there's a clause regarding that in the lease, or in some cases a separate disclosure, which has to be filled in an signed at the time when the pet deposit is tendered.)

    If she has all this then it's probable that the OC and the CA don't have a leg to stand on. Have you checked out the landlord-tenant laws for her state?

    I'm getting ready to move from my apartment (no pets though) and I wouldn't put it past my complex to try something like this, they're major rats.

    Sorry, I don't know anything about the CA.

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