I just qualified for the 0% for five years, and no payment for 90 days with the following scores. Equifax 713 Experian 723 TU 696 They Chevy Dealer had my TU score at 696, the last report I received from TU was 598. Talk about FAKO. tix
1.) I would never by a GM product. 2.) I would never do a car loan > 4 years. 3.) In today's market with all of these 0% finance offers and considering the glut of used cars at the auto dealerships, I wouldn't buy a new car. Johnny Blood
Congratulations, Tix! Hey Johnny! Howazabout a little grace around here? I'm sure you didn't mean it as snide as it sounded, but nevertheless, it sure sounded snide.
Good for you. And BTW the Suburban is a great GM product. I plan to buy one next year. Most people I have asked love their's.
Congrats! 1. GM makes a fine automobile. 2. I would finance for as many years as you like and can afford. 3. In today's economy, well hell, sometimes, you gotta get a new car. 4. People who crap on other folk's good news seem to have the MOST friends, right? Congrats again! Joe
Congrats Tix. Enjoy it. Maybe when Johnny said he wouldn't buy a gm, wouldn't buy a car on a loan longer than 4 years, he meant that he couldn't and is just jealous?
Congratulations Tix! Ignore Johnny, if you look at his posts, most all of them tend to be negative. I figure either he still has serious issues with his own credit or maybe works for a CA (maybe both). Gib
Be careful of used cars...(HAVE IT INSPECTED) and not at the place of purchase...even if it costs $100...
With the 0% you would be stupid not to take the longest payoff period offered. I don't think that they will offer -1%, but you never know !! Congratulations!! Charlie PS Thank you!! I just threw out my cereal.
OH~NO you must make the DEALER give you 0.00% for 4 years!!! or better yet 3 years!!! IF I COULD GET 0.00% FOR 10 YEARS, I WOULD TAKE IT!!! JohnnyBloo~~~thanks for the KIND words...
Some people just have to rain on other folks' parade. Guess they don't have their own parade to take care of, teehee.
The Pontiac Vibe is actually a Toyota. Very high quality vehicle. We test drove one, but it is a litlle small. Very nice dash layout though.
It's really got nothing to do with raining on anyone's parade. When I came here, I was hoping that people would be a tad bit more realistic. Instead I find a lot of people huddled around the FICO camp fire slapping each other on the back singing Kumbya. This is not a bunch of people trying to get solve their past errors of judgement so they can spend money smartly, it's a group of enablers trying to help those who had poor credit get better credit so they can commit similar errors in the future. My opinion may have been wrong, but it is every bit as sincere as some of your own and infinitely more useful than a bunch of people saying, "Way to go!" Let's review 1.) I would not have purchased a GM. That's a fact. I personally would not have purchased a GM. I have never been fond of the company, their dealers and/or their products. They've got some exciting new products coming out, but they still lack the quality of some other automobiles in my honest opinion. Take it or leave it. 2.) I would never get a loan > than 4 years. That's another fact. I wouldn't. Why not? The same reason I wouldn't max out my credit card and pay the minimum balance every month. It's a very basic rule of being smart with credit. Another reason one should not extend a loan on an automobile much longer than 4 years is because (1) it is a fact that the average consumer gets tired of their car purchase in 3 years, (2) the car can tend to depreciate and lose value faster than what you are paying it off, and (3) there are more opportunities to be late with a payment, which in turn affects your credit score, (4) you are paying of the car slower, and (5) it often is testament to the fact that you probably should not be getting that much of a car in the first place. People who get car loans greater than 4 years tend to be less smart with money. It's a fact. Now, if you are planning on driving the car into the ground (100,000+ miles and/or 6 to 7+ years), then it's not so bad to get a loan that long. 3.) In today's market with all of these 0% finance offers and considering the glut of used cars at the auto dealerships, I wouldn't buy a new car. That too is a fact; The Wall Street Journal, et. al. have printed a lot of articles about this in recent weeks. There are tremendous deals on used cars at the moment and if you are a person just coming out of credit hell, it might make better sense to buy a 2000 automobile that has already been depreciated 40% or so, especially given the low prices for said used cars (and it allows you to finance it for a shorter period of time because the sticker is less). Also, how do you suppose GM makes $$$ on a 0% automobile loan? The vehicle itself costs more up front, that's now. If you have lots of money laying around and have great credit with no chance of losing your job in this tight economy and will make each and every payment and not want to trade in your call before the loan has expired, go for it. But if this is not the case, then it was not a wise decision in my opinion. I welcome others explaining to me how my opinion is wrong. Johnny Blood
Johnny, Sassy and i are always singing Kumbaya by the campfire, but that's a different issue. Your posts make you sound like a real jerk. Either grow up, be kind, or go away. Speaking for myself, i'm tired of people like you being on this board. There are plenty of other less informative credit repair boards on the internet where your negativity is the norm. This board is not one of them. As we creditnetters tend to stick together, reward kindness, and have a live and let live philososphy, i suggest you thread lightly around this board with your holier-than-thou attitude. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. humblemarc