Hey! You don't suppose Efx is changing addresses right before the start of CHOD to slow down the anticipated influx of disputes?
I'll tell y'all what, call the 1800# and it will give you the correct address to send disputes. I understand why y'all think that they would pull something dirty b/c yes they are slimeballs, but I also think y'all are being paranoid about the addresses. Like LKH said, by law they have to give you an address to dispute info. and if they give they incorrect address on the 1800# sue the he** out of em' that would be class action law suit material 100%. But like I said earlier, of all the correspondance from Equifax that hubby and I have recieved, not very many of them have the same address, and I have NEVER had one returned.
I once talked to an equifax rep who fessed up that they change their dispute number every 95 days. As if a 3.5 month old report isn't accurate!
I don't know if Equifax changes their 1-800 number, but I can tell you that they are very, very difficult to reach on the telephone, that's for sure. Johnny Blood
JB, I can honestly say that anytime I have ever called Equifax, I have ALWAYS gotten through within 5 mins. As far as their 1 800# goes, it is listed in our local yellow pages and has never changed.
Paranoid or not I still don't trust them, I can use either new address or old, what difference does it make, both PO box's are valid.
ok so what address should I send to, i've only disputed online lately but i want to CRRR for chod. where is everyone going to send it? Thanks
I've been using: Equifax PO Box 105518 Atlanta GA 30348 I haven't had any problems and that's what I'll use for CHOD.
ya know what? someone posted not too long ago Equifax's addresses, there was like 20 or 30. I want to say the post was called something like 'will the real Equifax please stand up' or something like that, I can't remember exactly what the post was about. I would find it for you but my search does not work properly, you might want to search and see what it was about.
Yeah, I think we should all send in CHOD to atleast a couple of different Equifax addresses, what you guys think?
A while back while going over some of my old reports I noticed that equifax at one point was regularly changing its phone number. I started calling the numbers and noticed they were all disconnected. When I did try to dispute something by phone ( a ~4 month old report) the number was disconnected too. I called another number and left a message for that dept to contact me. I did a little searching on hear and managed to find the info (thanks creditnet. The rep called me back and absolutely would not give me the number and admitted that they changed the number around every 95 days and claimed that it helped us consumers somehow. I told him to go to hell (a good bet anyways) because I had already found the number online. I'm in CA so this is non-csc territory.
When are you sending credit disputes to Equifax Information Services in Atlanta? I have never sent disputes to that address. All of mine have gone to: CSC Credit Services P.O. Box 674406 Houston, TX 77267 What is everyone else doing and why? Hawg Hanner