vote: ..CHOD

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by phxbbw6ft1, Oct 14, 2002.

  1. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    I was reading an old thread where everyone was talking about when they were sending off their disputes....I never got a clear date...lets try voting. It doesn't matter to me. I just want to make sure i'm sending mine when everyone is sending in theirs, thats the point , right?

    11/25 to 12/7?? whats everyone vote?

    also please state if you are sending all your disputes together or sending them seperatly...Thanks

  2. lbowman

    lbowman Well-Known Member

    Sending disputes 2 per letter (otherwise, it would be too expensive) the week of 11/25.

  3. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Even if I sent 2 items per letter it would still cost me about $100 if I used CRRR - it looks like I will have to send them regular mail.

  4. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Sal, I think you are really going to regret it if you send them regular mail, with them as swamped as they are going to be you are taking a real good chance that they are going toss your letters w/no CRRR. All they will say is they never recieved. Just send one letter to each bureau CRRR. I am w/you, I am working on mine and hubby's and some family members credit reports and I dang sure cannot afford to send each one seperately, that would be like 50 different lettersx$4.90. So I will be sending each dispute in 1 letter (per person that is) and maybe doing some on-line.
  5. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    Two disputes per letter via CRRR sounds good to me.
    Three or more disputes per letter puts you at risk of being labled frivolous or having them verify everything on the spot. Figure out which accounts don't carry as much weight and then dispute those on-line.

    I have heard, however, that with Trans Union you have to send all disputes in at one time. If you send one dispute in today and another one in a couple of days later....adds an additional 15 days to the other disputes.

    Send them on Nov. 25th.
  6. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    Believe me I'm in TOTAL agreement with you and have been thinking about this for days now. It's just that I'm worried if I send out 12 disputes per CRA in one letter (CRRR) they will toss them ALL in one shot - they are bastards!!!!

    The way it stands right now I have about 12 disputes per CRA I need to send out - I wonder if sending out 4 disputes per letter X's 3 per agency (CRRR) would work? I REALLY need this to work and don't want to screw it up for this year.

    By the way DO NOT send in any disputes online, it's just too easy for them to "verify" within the 30-45 days - snail mail only.

    Good luck, and I hope you wipe your reports spotlessly clean!!!!

  7. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I'm curious - are any of you going to be disputing items you have disputed before but have been verified?

    I've only got 2 derogs left on TU, and 3 on Experian - but I've already disputed them before, and somewhat recently. These are OC's not CA's - if that makes any difference.

    One on Experian - I'm really steamed at - they are listing it as reporting before it even opened!!!

  8. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Sal, I sincerely hope things turn out good for you, My efx and tu reports are clean, Exp. has 1 pd. col. so I will have to send the ca a nutcase (another crrr) my hubby is the one that really needs the work. But I have gotten only about half of his derogs removed and his scores shot up from the mid 400's to the high 500's so I can just imagine what they would be if all of the derogs were gone. Alot higher than mine I imagine. Mine clean are in the high 600's. Anyway, it is thanx to this and a couple of other forums that I have been able to do this, so thanx all.
  9. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    I am did this last year..I did it too. I had several items removed...and I only disputed it was 2 out of 3 removals.

    How did everyone else do?
  10. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Beary, I'm glad to hear about your previous success, and I'm sure others here are as well

    One question, did you send your disputes CRRR or just plain old mail?

  11. beary

    beary Well-Known Member

    I sent them CRRR.
  12. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    Are peaple disputing inquiry's also? Also is everyone sending them on 11/25?

  13. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I think mailing each dispute individually is NOT helping (much anyway).

    Send 4 or 5 per envelope, CRRR (just as you usually would).

    There is NO real advantage to cluttering up or slowing down the INCOMING mail, or getting the dispute entered into the system. In fact, I used CHOD by online disputing just as effectively...the ONLY real effectiveness for the slowdown in mail comes AFTER they have received your disputes, and the 30 day clock starts...then they have to get verification, and return the results within the 30 days.

    Other than the amount of extra mail the CRA's would have to open, which MAY feasibly slow down the process a bit, it would not a great effect on the CHOD process. I do not see the real benefit of mailing 10 disputes in 10 separate envelopes.

    -Peace, Dave (Founder of CHOD)
  14. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why people are waiting from 11/25 til 12/7. If you were to mail the dispute, say 11/25, the CRA probably wouldn't get the dispute til Mon 12/2. Everyone shuts down early on the Wed before Thanksgiving and I know, after working for the USPS for 20+ years, that alot of big businesses don't pick up accountable mail on that day or they'll pick up early and the accountable mail usually isn't ready til the 2nd pickup. I would say that the 23rd would be the latest day to send something depending on what part of the country you're in. Charlie
  15. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Don't you think that sending 3 or more letters would also put you at risk to be labeled frivolous? Personally, I don't think that sending 1 per envelope is going to anything more than cost you a lot of money and piss off the cra's. Just send the disputes at about 4 per letter as always.
  16. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    In the past i've sent only one dispute to a CRA at a time. So when u say send 4 per u mean list 4 derogs in a dispute letter or in 1 envelope have 4 different dispute letters. I'm sure this question sounds retarded, lol. I just want to make sure i'm doing the right thing.

    Also When do u suggest I send it off? Thanks so much!

  17. creditxxx

    creditxxx Member

    Why are you wanting to send only a couple of disputes per letter? Back in August I sent between 10 and 15 disputes per letter (to each CRA) and was not listed as frivolous or anything. I had quite a bit of success, actually. Each CRA investigated each dispute that I listed on the letters. I had about half deleted and the other half verified. On my next go around, I will put those that got "verified" in ONE letter for each CRA.

    The problem with being labeled "frivolous" I think usually comes when you send in a form letter with lots of legal mumbo jumbo on it. Make your letters personal and be polite. Word the letters so that they sound like you are truly concerned because you really don't understand why so much inaccurate information is on your report. Don't be nasty about it. And don't use a lot legal jargon. If you sound like a concerned consumer, they will take you more seriously. You don't want to sound like you just bought a credit repair kit. You want to sound like you just happened to check your credit report and noticed some things that don't make sense to you.

    I can't see how sending multiple letters will help at all. When they get a letter, they'll open up your file and put a "reinvestigation in progress" note for the item you are disputing. If you send 10 letters, then they'll open up your one file 10 times in order to put those notes in there. So whoever does that, will see that you are disputing multiple items anyway and will probably be ticked off that you didn't do it in one letter so as to make their jobs easier.

    And in answer to the original question, I am going to send my next round of disputes on November 21, a little earlier than some of you. Why? Because I want them to get the letters and sign for them the day or two before the Thanksgiving holiday. If they sign for them Nov. 26, the 30 day time period will include a 2-day Thanksgiving holiday AND Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If you wait until after Thanksgiving to send them, you will only get the Christmas holidays.

    And yes, you MUST send the letters CCCR or you will just be wasting your time. But like I said before, you only need to send one letter to each agency, not one for each dispute, so it's not that much money.
  18. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    This is VERY good imput - thanks to everyone the participated.

    It looks like most think it wont hurt to put several diputes in one letter (per CRA) but it definately is a MUST to send everything CRRR.

  19. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Why not online? If you send online, you have proof of your dispute also. Just wondering why many people are against an online dispute?
  20. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    I have worked on many people's credit and I have had more success with one on-line dispute than I have had with 2 or 3 different letters. But I also switch up b/c if something is verified say on-line dispute, if you send it via mail, it will go to a different dept.

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