Hard Inquiries Advice or...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Robywhan, Oct 15, 2002.

  1. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    Doing the Bump.

    I just took a look at my Equifax report and have counted 7 hard inquiries out of a total of 13. Is this affecting my score that much and if so should I start "doing the bump?" Does bumping cause any complications and is there anyway I can worsen my score by doing it?
  2. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    I just read a long "Bumpage" Thread and it seems that starting today would be a good idea. Still would like some feed back though.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    THE ONLY DOWN-SIDE TO BUMPAGE IS SPLITTAGE...(SPLIT FILE)...time consuming to fix, but if they don't put it back the way it was...you can get $1,000 for your trouble...
  4. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. So would you recommend bumping. I've read where you yourself have done it so it must have worked for you.
  5. mrmagoo

    mrmagoo Well-Known Member

    I am well on my way with bumpage on EQU. When does is start? Is SPLITTAGE certain or just possible? Also, I have 7 or 8 HARDS on my report. Is bumpage worth the efforts? What kinda increase would I expect from each one dropping off?
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I have heard people say that they have had problems with EQ inquiry disputes, but I have never had a problem. I call CSC, and dispute by phone. I never dispute more than 2 at a time. I may just be very lucky with the draw of CSR, because I know that I've been unlucky with the draw on other problems. Charlie
  7. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    how can one tell if a file is split?
  8. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

  9. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    I just joined Credit Watch and under the "My Score" section it shows I only have 2 hard inquiries. However on my report it shows 15 total. Does this mean that I have only 2 hard inquiries?
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    YOU HAVE 15 "HARD" or just 2 "HARD" and 13 "SOFT"???
  11. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    Good question. It states:

    "Total number of inquiries resulting from you applying for credit 2 " and it only shows 2. This is on the Credit Watch site, however on the CR site it shows 15 inquiries.

    (Yes I'm having a hard time distinguishing between hard and soft) With inquiries I mean :)

  12. mrmagoo

    mrmagoo Well-Known Member


    How many INQ must you have before bumpage begins? Any way to bump with TU?
  13. Robywhan

    Robywhan Well-Known Member

    I'm not possitive but from what I've read here the number is different for everybody. Some have bumps after 150 others 200. And as far as I know this only get's talked about with EQ.


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