Screwing a business

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 75plus, Oct 16, 2002.

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  1. 75plus

    75plus Guest

    This is to inform everyone that post on this board I have sent emails to the credit card,banks,all 3 credit bureaus fraud department and loan companies on you DEADBEATS who apply for credit and use this board to find ways to screw the lenders out off their money.The time has come for you DEADBEATS to pay back what you borrow.
    I have sent emails to the above companies on the loop holes you DEADBEATS are useing to get the negative trade lines removed.

    You can call me.
    Or whatever
    4 Years ago if you had call me your friend I would not be helping the other side.
    To late now.
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    What's the matter, Bobby Gray? Did life not work out too well for you? Did your Mexico PI license not pan out? Did the Tijuana authorities chase you away, lol? I guess Louisiana did the same much earlier in your life, haha. Did West Coast Services (and Mexico Services, for that matter, hoo hah) end up being yet another of your disappointing ideas? Can't make life work for you? :) Do Mr. Mooney and Ms. Graybeal still haunt you, Robert? For that matter, whatever became of and It's a shame that an obvious failure in life like yourself still deludes himself into believing that anyone would fear him. Good lord, you truly are pathetic. And probably all alone.


    P.S. One more thing you should consider as you sit at your computer all alone in your lonely room. Those "loopholes" you mentioned are federal statutes, lol. Feel free to send copies of the FDCPA and FCRA to the full list of tens of thousands of OCs and CAs, as if anyone believes you anyway. :) If you weren't so silly, I'd swear you suffered from Paranoid Personality Disorder on Axis II of the DSM-IV.
  3. 75plus

    75plus Guest

    Who is Mr. Mooney and Ms. Graybeal?
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Hey Bobby Gray aka Rober Young who works at the Fred Enke Municipal golf course at 8251 E. Irvington Rd, Tucson, AZ , and whose ph # there is 520-791-2539.

    You asked for it stupid. I have put off publishing this info for over a year. I hope nothing happens to you and don't crack due to the phone calls I'm sure you are to receive.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    And nutty as a fruitcake.
  6. 75plus

    75plus Guest

    Ok LKH you caught me.You were the only one with common sinse to locate me.The other so call phsydoc or horsedoc what every he/she is was way off.
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Hello Rooster : It's time to get your feathers plucked!
  8. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    I, for one, would like to thank you for your frequent visits to this board. Your presence helps to remind me that there are worse things in life than having spotty credit.



    P.S. is offering free shipping if you buy two or more items! You might wanna take a look at this one and this one.
  9. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    Oh well, at least we have been upgraded from slim balls to DEADBEATS, lol.

    Hey big mouth, do you make any room in the two brain cells you have left for the fact that some of us are here, not because we are trying to screw businesses out of money, but because there are MISTAKES on our credit reports that we want to learn how to fix? Or that we made mistakes for which we suffered the consequences, and now we are trying to do better? Who gave you the right to judge anyone on this board anyway?

    I wasn't here 4 years ago when you were trying to make friends, but if your approach then was the same as it is now, I can see why you failed. Here is a basic life lesson: if you want to make friends, you have to learn how to play well with others.

    And here is some advice: don't let your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass. What goes around comes around, and I wouldn't want to be standing in the path of what is coming around for you.

    P.S. Wajaba -- ROFLMBAO!!!! Thanks -- it is always good to have a hearty laugh first thing in the morning.
  10. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member


    Your great!


    Please seek help. You really need it. If you dislike everyone on this board so much, then leave us be. Please do the adult thing and just go away.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Nice response-wajaba
    Rooster needs to get off his perch and get these two items.
  12. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Thank you, thank you ver' much! :)

  13. 75plus

    75plus Guest

    Hey fat mommy the right thing to do is pay the lenders the full amount of the debt.I know you want to give them 30 cents on the dollar like the other deadbeats told you to.
  14. herauntsis

    herauntsis Well-Known Member

    To whom are you referring as "fat mommy"?
  15. Burbs Guy

    Burbs Guy Well-Known Member

    I'm sure that his e-mails will be taken as seriously by the credit card companies, et al, as they are by the fine folks here on CN.

    I wonder if Bobby is the person responsible for holding back the electric car, so that we DEADBEATS don't screw the oil companies out of their rightful profits. Wind and solar power? How dare we deny the coal and electric utilities their rightful profits?!? Why, some of us are probably paying Cash for consumable goods, thus screwing businesses out of their entitlements to charge interest !! Next he'll tell us that renting an apartment is screwing the mortgage companies but buying a house is screwing the apartment management companies. And how many of you DEADBEATS have patronized Bobby's employer, hmmm? We should all be ashamed of ourselves.... so very ashamed....

    Oh, and we never landed on the moon but we Did put a man on a grassy knoll once.
  16. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Instead of replying to this nincompoop why don't we just respond by complaining to pbm every time he makes his first post on a topic and get his thread closed right off the bat.

    This screw ball is after attention.
    Let's disappoint him and ruin his fun by not replying to his post.
    Let him get bored with talking to him self.
    LB 59
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Good advice -- don't phone the golf course. Robert, who's drifted from Louisiana to Arizona to Texas, among other stops along the way, is a very angry and alienated social outcast. He has few if any real friends. His hostility contravenes any other redeeming qualities (assuming there are any).

  18. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    Is that a professional opinion, PyschDoc? :)
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    There's a guy named Greg Fisher that he should meet. They'd get along like mosquitos and malaria.
  20. boywonder

    boywonder Well-Known Member

    I thought of one redeeming quality--he exhales carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make oxygen. Sorry, I could only think of one.
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