I was wondering if those that took part in CHOD last year or the year before could share with us newbies the success you had. All deleted? Most? Can't wait till Nov. 25th.
Could you also post if you did any of the CHOD disputes online as well? If so what was the outcome? Andi
Not a newbie, but still have a question. Were items re-inserted? How many disputes were included per letter? -LB
I lost all of my negs during last years chod... and a ton of inquiries from TU and EX I dont remember the details of it... Oh wait there was a pesky collection that stayed on but i got that off a few months later... do a search on CHOD results.. kev
I was just starting during CHOD last year, lost a bunch of collections and some judgments.... i wish i would have disputed more negs. i did most by crrr but at the last minute did a couple online..noyhing that was deleted was reinserted.... scores went up about 50 pts!
I had nothing deleted but had a charge off reinserted (it's been reinserted many times since). I did all of them by CRRR. I think I disputed about 3-4 per CRA. My CRRR's were signed a few days before December, I think I mailed them the Monday after Thanksgiving. TU I sent later cause they are only a few states away. EXP and EQU are a ways away.
Can someone please help me...what the heck is CHOD??? It sounds good...I mean I can put 2 and 2 together...but you know what they say when you ASS-U-ME...lol!
You know I've never had anything reinserted ever, nor any of my friends--I wonder if its a california thing?
Here you go, Jaye http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...hp?s=&postid=249198&highlight=chod#post249198 DemPooches
Last year did anyone get their disputes sent back as friviloius? This is something I'm having transunion say about everything thing I try to do online. Same with experian. I haven't sent nothing thru the mail yet as Im waiting till Nov 25th or so to mail them off. Im down to about 3 or 4 on both experian and transunion .
Those of you that had success last year, Did you send each dispute seperatly or did you put them all in one letter? Thanks Me
I may get boo's on this, but I didn't do anything any different than I would on a regular dispute. We were at the very beginning stages of this journey last year at this time. In fact last year, I didn't even realize I was submitting a dispute to TU during CHOD. I was 5 for 5 on the accidental dispute sent during prime time. Amazing. Those accounts have not been deleted on either of the other 2 CRA's still today. I filed that dispute online, never had a reinsertion, and did it on 11/30. I looked this morning to be sure. I didn't even have a dispute working on EXP or EQ during CHOD last year. Oh well, live and learn! Good luck! I am thinking more strategically this time. CHOD 2002 could feasibly get my husband and I each 3 clean reports.
Hi Jaye, Sorry I didn't see your question till today. Our efforts are going very well. One of us has all three reports clean and the other has two old tax lien and one stupid $75 collection we're still trying to get rid of. When we started we were probably in the 590-620 range. Now we hover about 100 pts higher. We've been able with the work we've done so far to get just under $200K in bank card credit lines this year and they've enabled us to do a wonderful expansion of our business. In January 02 we had a $7K Providian, a $3K GetSmart and a $2K Chase as well as a few new gas cards. That was about it. Our biggest challenge is keeping our scores good with all the new accounts and inquiries while still taking advantage of the great 0% deals that seem to be everywhere right now. It's an interesting balance. When being used for business financing though, those 0% deals are like GOLD. Anyway, that's our story. We could never have done it without the wonderful folks here. DemPooches
Here's a thread from a few days ago that explains it for you. http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...hp?s=&postid=249198&highlight=chod#post249198 DemPooches
It happened accidentally with me b/c I had just signed up with LLF and to my surprise about 7 accounts were deleted per CRA. I have seen such results thereafter so I'm guessing that it was the CHOD!!!
Lisa Mc Wow, your credit scores have gone up so dramatically in just about a year! My scores are also low: TU 553 and according to CreditExpert, Experian is 626... Did you just dispute, dispute, dispute??? My low scores are the result of using a credit counseling service (if I knew then, what I know now...) and a bunch of lates, some very recent and some a few years old... I have just paid off all our credit balances, and I would think that would make my scores go up some, but I haven't seen much results yet, and some have already reported that they are paid off...UGH!!!! Seeing your results gives me hope!
Beck, thanks for the pat on the back! I forget how far we have come! I have disputed the heck out of mine and my husband's reports. I have only filed one lawsuit (see recent thread "Discovery/Depositions in Small Claims Court" Some people on this board have fantastic success with lawsuits. That really speeds things up. After my first one, I would not be so quick to jump into that again. It has been so much work, so much stress, and a lot of sleepless nights. That's just me--maybe I just don't have the stomach for it. Maybe is is more "the art of bluff!"