Hello There, Just check the status page and it saids approved for a visa gold card with a $3500 cr line and 9.9% fixed apr! yes I apply for Platium but got the gold which is fine with me. Thx, Kev
The gold is a good card! Probably in 6 months to a year you'll get the Plat. I am surprised that you didn't get the Plat. Charlie
Hello Charlielex, Thank You! yeah is okay the gold is cool I just wanted to get approved which I did... so a gold card is fine if later on they give me a platinum that would be great... Thx, Kev
kevin, Congradulations!!!! 9.9% fixed is the best rate. I'm sorry to hear that they can't give you the Platinum card. Ron
Hello Ron, Thank You! is okay no Platinum but got gold so is fine with me I guess I will have to wait for a few months and see if I can either upgrade to Platinum or apply for another card with them.... yeah the 9.90% is like the best they offer... I am glad that I got it from them... Thanks again... any new credit for you lately... Thx, Kev
$5,000 is the minimum CL for BofA Platinums. You can probably upgrade to Platinum as soon as you reach that limit. Saar
Hello Ron, Saar Wow Ron you have'nt applied for anything in the last six months... you are good and patient... and Saar yeah I know I am like $1500 away from getting a platinum hopefully with the next review they might increase it to that amount and upgrade to platinum at that time... Thanks for the helpful info... how is bofa with their credit line increases... please let me know.... Thx, Kev
Kev, I recently received $3000 CLI on my BofA Platinum without any inquiry ( no soft, no hard ) just by calling regular customer service. I believe it's so called "computer pre-approval".
Hello Platinum, Wow Congrats to you on getting such a great increase with bofa... do you use the card alot to get that... make more than minimum payments please let me know... Thx, Kev
Kev, Yes I am using my BofA very frequently and most the time I pay off my balance in full. First time ( 9 months after opening ) they increased CL for $ 4000 and now 6 months later as I said another $3000. Last year I started with $4000 and today I am at $11000 credit limit. I love Bank of America. Customer Service is great.
Hello Platinum, Thanks for the info and wow Congrats on all the big credit line increases you gotten! I will make sure I use the card often and make bigger payments... Thx, Kev
Kev, I would like to give you an advice. Do not ask for credit line increase or upgrade for the next 9 months because their computer system does not allow it. Then next year in July you should call and ask them to double your credit limit and upgrade to Platinum. You won't have any problem with that. Just be patient for the next 9 months. Good luck and congratulations.
Hello Platinum, Thank You again for the good advice yes I will use the card and pay it off on time for the next nine months and will not request for a credit line increase till the tenth month or so... by chance do you have a Chase card I have an app that is pending right now they already ask me for a utility bill for address verificatiion I already faxed it over to them on Fri same thing with bofa they needed me to fax over utility bill as well which I did on Thursday and got an approval when I check last nite online.... Thx, Kev
Hey Kev, Congrats on the card. If I recall, didn't you get a National City Bank card by reconsideration? If so, how has that card been? I've been thinking of applying for it. Thanks
I got Chase Platinum too. Their application processing is very slow. It took them 3-4 weeks to bring decision . I've got $5000 initial credit line and then after six months I requested $5000 more. They pulled hard on TU but I was approved.
Hello LKH, Yes well I apply for National City Visa back in May of this year... at first at was declined... but then a nice lady from their security dept called me up and said if I can provide a copy of a utiltiy bill and a rental lease agreement she will approve me... I faxed over the docs she wanted and call me back and told me that I was approve for $5000 and originally I apply for the regular card but then I ask her if she would consider me for the Platinum card she saids sure no prob done... I receieved a new card within a week or so... the only thing I need to tell you is that they only will review automatic increases once the account is a year old.. if you request before that time they will pull a hard inq on you... they pull TU on me and I have'nt need to talk to customer service that often... but yeah good luck if you apply with them... let me know what happens..... Thx, Kev
Hello Platinum, Thank You again for your info on Chase yeah it seems like they are really slow on approving I talked to the credit dept yesterday they told me that they are backlog right now for about a week... so they said that please be patient with us.. I guess I am approve for a card cause they request for me to fax over a utility bill for address verification... how's Chase same thing use the card often and make bigger payments as well... please let me know.... Thx, Kev
Kev, One month I use Chase, another month BofA. If you get approved for Chase here is the number you should call and ask for APR reduction. They will probably approve you with 12.24% APR. Call 1-800-345-8089 and tell them you are not happy about interest rate they gave you and ask for 7.99% APR fixed.