I called providian a couple of weeks ago to request a limit increase, the person I spoke to checked my account, and then said they'll send me a letter letting me know whether or not they can increase it. I knew that was a bit odd, so i decided that the reason she said that was that they're gonna send me a letter saying they can't give me the increase (but why couldnt she just tell me that??) Anyway I get a letter today saying they were doing their occassional account review, and due to this review, they've decided to close my account. They said they information that helped them in this process was received from transunion. I have never been late on this providian account in the 2 years I've had the card, so I immediately ordered my transunion report. My score is at 616 (the lowest of my 3 reports), and I didnt find any inquiries showing for providian.. I'm guessing providian did a hard inquiry, and just isn't showing up yet. What do I do now?? please help!
Did you see an AR for Compucredit? They have been doing some serious housecleaning and many people have been hit with closures.
Actually, after posting the message, I decided to do a search... guess I should've done it before I posted. Anyway, I see a bunch of people have had the exact same problem. I don't care that they close it now.. I feel better. However, does anyone know how I can get them to show it as "closed by consumer"?
They closed my account on me. However they did do me a very small favor ,and mark it " closed by consumer.
If they won't agree to do so, contact the Executive Office. They suck also, but they should be able to agree to change the status for you. I will attempt to locate the phone number in one of my correspondences with them and post it.
Yeah, please do so.. thanks. On my searches, I came across an article that showed why providian is doing this. Apparently they're closing 1.7 million accounts to clean up their books.
Eventually you will be very glad that Providian is closed. Dispute with the CRA's that the account was "closed by consumer". Charlie