i need some advice quick

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fredmny, Oct 19, 2002.

  1. fredmny

    fredmny Member

    i have a collection agency on my equifax report. how can iget that off. i didnt know that the insurance company pulled my credit report. and i thought that the only way you can put something on someones credit report is using your credit score to determine if you can be approved for something. but anyway i think its affecting my score do anyone have any info for me.
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Read the top 4 posts in it's entirety. ;) Charlie
  3. fredmny

    fredmny Member

    is there anyone who can give me some advice on a collection account. i called them and they told me they sent everything back to the original company. and there is a 438 dollar balance left on this account. but i never used the account.
  4. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    1. Dispute the collection account on your report. It shouldn't be verified by the CA if they sent it back to the OC. If it is verified, send validation letter to the CA.

    2. Send a validation letter to the OC.

    3. See what you get back in the way of validation and then post again.

    (And read the first four threads at the top of the board in their entirety. You need to gain an understanding of why you're doing what you're doing. It will help you greatly.)

    Hope this helps.


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