Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ma_bear911, Oct 16, 2002.

  1. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    I'm seeing all these posts for CHOD, especially from newbies like myself and since my search is not working, I don't seem to be finding the answers I'm looking for. Can the more experienced make a CHOD for dummies list? PLEASE

    Please list 1-10 or however many needed to make it clear to us newbies and not so newbies the steps involved in CHOD. i.e.- should we validate to the CA's 1st, if at all and when. What letter to send, ? the standard dispute letter, what to include in the letter, etc. etc.

    Thank you to all who participate, I think this might clear up a lot of questions for alot of people. I do realize that CHOD might not be the "magic cure", but it might cut down the list.
  2. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

  3. beck20

    beck20 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    Good idea, I'd love to see a CHOD for dummies list (coming from another newbie)...
  4. Mr Alan

    Mr Alan Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    me too
  5. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    Any ideas, or is this a bad idea?
  6. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    well, I'm new to CHOD, and Traci, we've already discussed this, but I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

    I'm sending out letters to the 2 CA's that I'm dealing w/ the week BEFORE CHOD. I'll be sending an intent to sue out to one, and another letter to the other. I have it all planned out, I just mailed the estoppel, gave them 15 days. The 15 days will be up, and I'll mail a demand letter, giving them 15 more days. Then, I'll mail the intent to sue, which puts me right at CHOD. I will then dispute these w/ the CRA's in hopes that the CA's just fold at this point (or just go away)

    I will be sending one letter per CRA, per each of us. Hubby has 4 derogs on 2 reports, 1 on the last. I'm hoping that some of this is gone by then, with the letters that I have out now. But, I'll be putting them all in one letter. I don't want to send up flags to the CRA's.

    I'll be mailing mine the week of DEC. 2, while everyone else mails theirs on the 25th of NOV. The reason behind this is that my state requires the dispute to be resolved in 21 days, and I want my reports to be done around New Years. If I dispute around the 25th, it'll be due BEFORE Christmas,and that's no good!

    Make them simple disputes. Put a reason, but don't get too wordy or quote the FTC, FCRA, etc. Just make it simple. And, send it CRRR.

    I can't think of anything else. I'm not counting on CHOD being the miracle cure for hubby's CR's, but if I lost a hard derog, or two, I wouldn't be sad to see them go!!

  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    CHOD for Dummies (Newbies and others). Do a search and read the info. My opinion, is that CHOD is blown out of proportion. I hope not, but we have lurkers from the CRA's and they fix their problem. Charlie
  8. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    Yes, we did discuss this, which I am eternally grateful for all your responses. You have helped me straighten out my plan of action. Thank you forever.

    I started this for all the people (newbies and old) who are afraid to post anything. There have been alot of questions lately and not alot of answers. I naively thought that a list might solve some of those questions.

    Thank you for posting your strategy as it will help someone, somewhere.

  9. ma_bear911

    ma_bear911 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List


    Thank you for your posting and opinion. I am not putting all my eggs in one basket hoping this is the magic elixir to cure my credit problems. I'm hoping that it might just cut the list down some. I am not writing this to start a word war. I am thankful for your opinion and others. When I have the search capibility, I do use it and have. It is random when search works for me. I have searched for CHOD and read for hours on the results. I was hoping for a simplified, sort of "top ten" steps. I also am concerned that lurkers are here and working to correct things. But, if I don't ask, I'll never know how to best solve the problems and if I am taking the correct steps.
  10. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: Can we have CHOD 4 Dummies List

    I am not at all trying to be rude but there have been SEVERAL posts about this recently. It is not hard to figure out. Many of us last hear had MANY deletions last year during our CHOD disputes.

    The reason being is that if you dispute at the right time, either the CRA or the creditor tend to be VERY short staffed or closed for the holiday. Your disputes sit there until the last minute to be completed, it is not like they get your dispute and jump to validate. I am sure that they get tons and tons of them. If they do not validate in 30 days they MUST delete.

    There is nothing special about the way things are being disputed. There are no special steps that you have to take...just do it at the right time and cross your fingers. I had EVERYTHING deleted that I disputed, my only regret was that I had not disputed more than what I did. I am done with my repair at this point, but it would have been nice to be done then!

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