Denied goodwill 3 times now..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rackt3, Oct 19, 2002.

  1. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    School loan with wells fargo became due just as i was laid off from work. I eventually got forbearance for the 3 months i couldnt pay... now I have 90 days lates on my report.

    First time I wrote, I wrote to "dear acct manager" (didn't have a name), and the reply I got was that "thanks for inquiring about the reports accuracy, our records how they are accurate.. etc". I thought I'd give it another try, and this time, I got someone's name. The reply said that the forebearance only brings the acct current and doesnt affect how it's being reported, therefore, they don't see any reason to revise the report.

    I tried a 3rd time, this time using pfb (it goes to the CEO), and my reply was from a senior manager who said, "thanks for the letter questioning the accuracy of your credit report...I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention blah blah blah" He then goes on to say they received my forebearance late.. etc (same old story... won't do it).

    I'm thinking of trying *one* last time. This time writing the man directly (he seems to be pretty high up the ranks) back pleading that I was not "questioning its accuracy", but rather hoping for a goodwill adjustment since my being late was due to a job loss, not due to my irresponsibility...and I haven't been late ever since... etc. By the way, all this time, I didn't disputed this with the CRAs.. nor was it showing in dispute.

    Can someone please advise me? should I write him? Or what can I do now? The 90 days late is really killing my score.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Have you disputed it with the credit bureaus?-
  3. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Never disputed them with the bureaus. Thought I should work it out with the bank first...
  4. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    good luck to you. EXACT same situation here, but w/ 2 90 days lates on hubby reports. The loan is closed out now, due to consolidation. I sent out 3 goodwill letters. No Go. I just sent the nutcase letter via CRRR, and I sent one via fax, just for good measure. I'm not counting on it, but I'd love to see results before I get to the end of the nutcase family! What SL company are you dealing w/? I've disputed 2 times w/ the CRA's, verified!!
  5. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I hate to say this and yes it sounds sneaky and not the right thing, but hey you tried the right thing and it didn't work.

    You need to send them a ceritified letter letting them know you are in dispute over the account and that you need them to provide validation (Even though OC's do not have to validate, most will) for the information they are reporting.

    When you get the green card back, you then dispute with the bureaus. I wouldn't use the "Not mine" reason, start with someting such as say the balance or for that matter anything you can actually see that is wrong.

    This will do 2 things, the CRA's will contact the OC and the OC will of course verify the tradeline and say it is correct. The OC most likely will not know the law and that they have to communicate to the CRA that the account is in disput by you.

    When you get your reports back, you now have the OC on an FCRA violation. Weak? Yes, but it has been very effective at getting what I want.

    Oh yeah, you will have to file the small claims suit, they will not do what you want by you telling them of their breach of the law, you will have to sue and then they (attorney) will contact and want to settle out of court.

    At this point it is all about the money to them and how they can avoid payign you and wasting their money defending your action against them

    They (attorney) who is looking out for his clients best intrests will then update or delete as you please.

    I did this with GMAC just the other day and in their agreement that we signed it stated.

    Here is what GMAC wrote in our agreement that we signed and most likely your OC will do the same to settle your suit.

    "GMAC enters into this agreement soley to avoid the time, expense and continued distraction of further litigation and this agreement shall not be considered an admission of liability or wrongdoing by GMAC"

    Hey call it what you like you did what I wanted in the end anyway.

    Good Luck!

  6. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply tac. Well, the problem's that, I still have this account with wells fargo, and currently making payments on it.

    Not only that, they're about to lend me even more money for school now.. so it kinda makes it hard for me to send a nutcase letter, or to sue them over an account i'm still paying on, and about to lend more for school.

    So I guess I'm still confused on what to do..
  7. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I would just dispute the tradeline during CHOD with the CRA's. Is this on all three bureaus?

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