It's been a hell of a ride. Seventy some-odd deletions (I lost count). That's not even counting inquiries. Deletions from disputing, disputing again, deletions from validation letters, estoppel letters, nutcase letters, and on one memorable occasion, twelve deletions without ever writing a letter, just backing Cap1 into a corner. I scared the hell out of a collector once. That was fun. Really fun. I caught Experian merging my file last March with some deadbeat who didn't play child support. I had it all straightened out in six days. I even went to court once. That didn't work out so well as the Cap1 thing. But that's OK, because I have only had one goal in mind for the past year and a half. And today it came true. Mr. and Mrs. Quixote are the proud owners of a three bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home on 3/4 acre in Temecula, CA. The loan funded today. The deed has been recorded. Escrow is closed. I want to sincerely thank all of you CreditNet members, past and present, and, of course, pbm, who helped me along the way. I don't know how I would have done it without finding this place.
Fantastic!! Congratulations! I hope your "house" is always a "home" and that you and the lovely Mrs. Quixote are very happy there.
Hakuna Matata, Quixote! woooooooo hoooooooooo, to the Quixote family, and many blessings in your new home, congrats! My dad is in Temecula, what does that make him, Papa Sassy? LOL. Last I visited, it was a great place to plant your roots. Sassy
No "Dear John". Just feeling kinda humbled by it all. I think I've shared quite a bit, but truthfully, none of you know the half of where we've been over the last several years. Some of you I'm sure have equally harrowing stories, but, if they are, then just like me, you probably don't want to talk about it. But you never really forget it, either. So, to finally reach this place in life, well, like I said, it's kinda humbling. Thanks for all the warm wishes.
Besides, there are still a few negatives on the CR's of The Lovely Mrs. Quixote. I've still got work to do.
Congrats!!!!! I used to live in Temecula, right when it changed from its old name of Rancho California. You'll really like it there. First order of business is to do a winery tour! Buy a bottle for the new house. Temecula--"where the sun shines through the mist"
Congrats! ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME! I just finished my credit repair for my Hubby and I. It sure is a great feeling isn't it? It is amazing to me now, that 2 years ago, I just accepted the fact that I would have been stuck where I was forever. It still amazes me that I can buy something that I want and have 6 months (or whatever) to pay it off interest free. LOL
Quixie- Congrats to you and the missus! Last month I stayed at Pechanga for a coupla days - which was alot of fun. Next time I'm out there I'll email you = maybe we can meet. play a few slots - and talk about life as wev know it Again - congrats on your new home!
Yeah, it's a great place to raise a kid. We've been here for seven years now. Just finally buying. You wouldn't recognize Temecula now. We've even got our own mall now. It's amazing how much it's grown just in the time we've been here. And believe me, I know about the wineries. I used to play bass in a neighborhood jazz band. We would play at the wineries for free wine. That's as good as cash in my neighborhood. ;-)
Sounds great... My wife and I saw Huey Lewis and The News in concert at Pechanga a couple of years ago. We decided to go early and eat at the buffet. Some "regulars" were standing in line behind us and called out to the teenager working the cash register, "Hey what's with the huge line?" She says, "I dunno, some concert. I never heard of him. I think his name's PeeWee Lewis." Man we felt old...
It sure is.It's like stepping out into the sunshine after what we still refer to as our LONG DARK TEA-TIME OF THE SOUL (one of the funniest books ever). The title just sorta works for us as an oblique reference to a time and place that we don't talk about very much.