I recently attempted to settle a $40 medical debt, I got no response to my first request for settle/deletion. 30 days later I sent a second more strongly worded offer, well today (2 days after receipt) they responded saying their client would not allow deletion and also sent statements and the orginial contract with signature. Now, I honestly have no problems paying this (its only $40) What is the next step I should take? Pay it, wait 6 months or so then dispute and hope they dont respond? Its a local CA (within 4 miles of home) and the original creditor is also within 4 or 5 miles. I dont think they would sue but may due so out of spite. What do you all think?
Why not contact the OC directly and see if you can work something out? You don't have anything to lose.
Fico sux: How is it going with the $40 medical bill? I have a $50 medical bill I'd like to pay for deletion also....any suggestions? Thanks
LKH, if the OC isn't reporting, and you pay, what does that mean about the CA? Are they forced to delete??? I have a utility collection that I want to pay for deletion, but the CA won't respond to settlement letters. If the OC will take the money, do they contact the CA, or do I?
A lot of times the ca will refuse to delete it. I would write the oc and advise them that you have been trying to settle with the ca but they won't respond, so you are calling them. Tell them to pull the acct from the ca and you will pay. That might work. If the ca doesn't have the acct, but refuses to delete, you could maybe get a letter from the oc that you paid them and the acct was sent to collections in error, then fax that to the cra's. Just an idea.
How can the CA still report it though, if the OC is the one that gets paid? Unless of course the CA actually bought it, then it's an entirely different story. I'm going to call the OC right now. I'd love to get one of the collections off hubbys report, ASAP!!
didn't work. Not only didn't it work, but I found out I owe them money too. What do I do about that?? It's from 99, still have 3 yrs before SOL. Never showed up on my reports. Different CA. If I pay the OC, she said it would stay on his report. It'll definately show up on mine eventually, she said. I wonder what else will show up over time. I know he has a few old medical collections that we've never heard from either. What does one do about old collections when you don't know who or where they are placed?? Should I just pay both of these, or do I ignore mine till it shows up on my reports?? Ignoring is what I do best, but it's why we're in these situations in the first place! I'm nervous to see who will find us next! Just found an old phone bill of his too. How do I handle all these little bills I'm finding, but aren't reporting. Another med. bill I found. Damn!
FicoSux, I'm sorry I hijacked your thread. I just started a new one, so I'll leave yours alone! Feel free to come on over, and hijack mine as pay back! LOL