Pay for deletion

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DOITMYSELF, Sep 6, 2002.


    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have a pay for deletion letter that you can point me to? I may be in need of such a letter in the near future but as of now have been unable to locate one. Thanks
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Well, how much is it for? is it a CA or OC? Do you have the fundage for all or partial amount for the alleged debt? How old is the debt? what State are you in?

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    It is not for one specific account but I would only send such a letter to the OC not CA. I also understand the SOL etc.. that may come into effect regarding an account that you are trying to pay for deletion. I would of course go for a percentage of the amount over the WHOLE entire amount owed. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    Anyone find a good letter yet? I still need one but have not found one yet. Thanks
  5. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Courtesy bump!
  6. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Look in the FAQ, there is a section for settlement. I took a couple and modified them for my needs.

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