Cap 1 pending app: no TU/EQ pulled?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveH, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    I just applied for a third Capital One account in the last 5 months. Both times previously, I was approved, and a hard pull was done immediately on all 3 CRAs.

    My 3d app was this Saturday. I checked tonight and confirmed that the application was received. Yet there has been no pull at EQ or Transunion as of today (I don't have a way to check Experian promptly for free--anything new on this front?)

    I'm wondering if they've changed their practices, or if I've been summarily denied due to too recent a last application. (I last applied 8/23--more than 45 but a bit under 60 days.)

    Any informed conjecture on what might be going on here? TIA.
  2. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    I have a rinky dink non secured cap 1 card with 600 limit opened on 02/2002.. the only report that i have an inquiry from cap 1 is on my experian... live in houston btw
  3. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    thanks shaolin76.

    Strange, I wonder if they've been moving over to experian nationwide...I definitely had all 2 pulled in June and August.
  4. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Cap 1 only pulled Exp for me.
  5. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Also, I think if you apply for a prime card with them such as their "no hassle" card, they will pull all 3.
  6. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks. This was a "no hassle" card, actually a "special edition" version (0% intro, 7.9% after that, up to $30K credit limit.)

    And above I meant all 3 of course, not all 2 :)
  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    You can check your EXP report by going to the website, and requesting a new investigation. Put in your info (you need to have an EXP report number) I check mine every day!
  8. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks Tracy--I forgot about that option...I pulled up an old experian credit report, and sure enough it worked, even though it was more than 90 days old. :)

    No cap1 inquiry there either...very strange.

    So I called cap1 up, got an operator by entering my existing account number, and received a "your application has not processed yet." Weird, since they received it on Saturday, and it's now Wednesday...and they've always been prcessed right away in the past. Perhaps it's because I'm trying for $29K in balance transfers, and everything over $x is reviewed by a human being?

    I'll probably try to reach Mr Cooke on this if I don't get more information soon....
  9. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member


    What are the other two Cap1 cards you received in the past? Were they both prime cards?
  10. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member


    First was special edition (No hassle) Platinum, 21.5K CL, received 6/19/02, 0% 6 month teaser, 7.9 fixed after that.

    Second was No Hassle Platinum, $20K CL, 4.9% for 1 year, 8.9% fixed after that.

    I know, Cap 1 has spoiled me rotten, and I could hardly blame them for denying me a third big line. This third offer was for another special edition card, 0% 6 months then 7.9%, up to $30,000. All offers were mailed "pre-approved" invitations.
  11. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    wow, you're lucky. I've been trying to get a CL increase for 2 yrs, finally got one this week. Went from $1000 to $1300. Woo hoo. What will I do w/ that giant increase? LOL I told Mr. Cooke that I don't understand why, because Chase gave me $5100 and ATT gave me $3600, but Cap one gives me squat!
  12. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Yes, I certainly am lucky...

    What did the trick was getting the scores up, waiting for invitations, then doing huge BT requests while applying online. My wife, with credit as good as mine (a bit better if anything), got $7,000 when she didn't ask for a BT.

    If your scores are up and you have another card or loan account to transfer to, I suggest giving this a'll be much quiker and more dramatic than waiting for periodic line increases.

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