I am new to this game, so go easy. Please advise what I can do to clean up my report. This is from Experian. Current score 643 Unknown CHICAGO MUN CT-1ST DIST Identification Number: 9xxxxxxxxx/ Date Filed: 09/24/1997 Status: Civil claim judgment. Credit card FNANB/CIRCUIT CITY Account Number: 1xxxxxxxxxxx.... / Date Opened: 02/1996 Status: Paid in settlement/Account charged off. Student Loan GLHEC/CITIBANK N A Account Number: 3xxxxxxxxx.... / Date Opened: 01/1995 Status: Open/Current, was past due 150 days. Old credit card UNIVERSAL CARD/CBSDNA Account Number: 5xxxxxxxxxxx... / Date Opened: 03/1995 Status: Account charged off. Good standing FNB CHICAGO Account Number: 1xxxxxxxx.... / Date Opened: 06/1995 Status: Paid/Never late. FEDERAL DIRECT STUDENT L Account Number: 3xxxxxxx.... / Date Opened: 12/1998 Status: Open/Never late. Deferred, payment date unknown
Dispute the Judgement: never had a judgment Dsipute the Circuit city : it is from 96... not mine Dspute Citibank: this account is obsolete please delete Dispute universal card: the same as above Do not mess with the other accounts; You will need to get a secured card or some other form of additional positive credit soon. by the way... what is your score..... I would dispute online, just make sure your print out the confirmations.
Simply go up to Doc's credit repair primer at the top of the list. Here is wher you can get all the info to get started.
Thats a pretty good score considering the derogs. Mine is lower and I have much less derogs but I do have outstanding debt of about 14k