Kinda Weird

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Oct 23, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I am wondering about something, 98 I was first diagnosed with cancer. I was treated on several occasions and DID NOT have insurance between early 98 and late 2000. I have NEVER seen a bill for this but have paid on it for years (like 20.00 a month). So today I get a refund check from the hospital and was told that I have a 0 balance. I called the hospital to find out what was going on and she told me that the letter is correct. I HAVE NO BALANCE.

    My accounts have been paid in full by a private donator that wishes to remain unknown...This is great for me but HOW did they know what I owed or whatever? Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? She told me that my medical history was not shared with anyone, when it was paid, that did not already have access to it. I am going to call back in a little while after I relax a second. This is a huge thing for me. I am not talking about a few hundred bucks I am talking about thosands and thousands of dollars.
  2. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    People are absolutely amazing. There are a lot of good people out there. The last time I had cancer, the treatment cost $75,000. I just point that out because it is a lot more expensive than a lot of people think. Fortunately I had very good insurance to pay it. This gift was huge for you.

    I hope you are doing well. It is a nasty disease.
  3. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    well what a wonderful blessing. I would still feel the need to investigate how this happen but none the less whoever did this was very kind..
  4. Igotarock

    Igotarock Well-Known Member

    What a beautiful and inspiring story! I hope you are able to find this person to thank them. But if not, don't despair because they did this annonymously for a reason. Sounds like a "Pay It Forward".. their payback will be that you do something (and not necessarily monetarily) for someone else. Good luck and stay healthy!!
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It's not weird it's a blessong A very touching
    one at that.
  6. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    The hospital probably just told the donor the amount of your treatment and that wonderful person paid it. Maybe you can ask the hospital if they are able to forward a thank you letter if you're so inclined. Your experience demonstrates that there is kindness in the world.
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Wonderful! This kind of story restores my faith in the human race. There are some terrific people out there! So glad one of them found you!
  8. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    That's wonderful. Sorry to hear about your cancer though. Hope your doing better!

    This private party wanted to stay anonomous, so maybe you could have a letter forwarded to them through the hospital.

    That really is nice that there are people out there like this. Really nice.
  9. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    That is awsome, if are never able to find out anymore information.You could make it a point to say a prayer for them every time you think of this and ask for a blessing for them.
  10. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Hi all. I know this really is a blessing. I spoke again to the hospital and they will forward a letter to the person. All that they will tell me is that it is someone within the hospital. This is a huge weight off my shoulder as if there was any bill that I would pay it would be this one as they gave me back my life. I feel as if I have won the lotto-but better. I would LOVE to sit and talk to this person but it seems that will not happen. I just am still AMAZED!

    I just noticed that I typed 20.00 a month instead of 200.00 a month. This will make a big difference in my bills monthly and I made arrangments today for our van to be picked up and donated to charity. I am not done but it is a start.
  11. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Wow!!! That is really a touching story. It is so wonderful to know that there are people with such kind hearts! That was definitely a blessing!!!
  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    How amazing is that! wowOwowwwwwwww!

    As it should be, I say, people being good to people; reaching out to brothers and sisters.

    A blessing indeed! Pay it forward and know there are angels unaware!

  13. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I love how GOD works.... he uses ordinary people toaccomplish extraordinary things..... You did not have to share you story with us, but you did and even that is inspiring..... I am so happy for you.... maybe you could take one of those $200.00 payments and give it to the hospital to help someone else, like a new mother or a sick child!
  14. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    you just made my day with your post.
    giving anonomously is truly the highest form of giving - totally inspiring to read about such wonderful people in times like these.

    Mark LA
  15. Jaye D

    Jaye D Member

    How phenomenal is that??? Now as the good book says...To whom much is given...much is required!

    When you've been blessed...pass it on and bless someone else!

    What a feel good story!
  16. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    WOW! This is very inspiring. It gave me goose flesh to read this post.

    I am very happy that there are still decent folks out there that are willing to lend a hand!

  17. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    What a blessing! Angels Are Real! :)

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