An old debt not on my CR????

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tracyb0313, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I just checked my TU report, and there is an inquiry on there from Plaza Assoc. I looked them up on the web, and they are a collection agency. Surprise, surprise. Anyway, I called them. Stupid? Probably. They are collecting on an old MC account I had, dola of 2/96. It's being paid thru CCCS right now. I have 2 accounts left that are being paid on, this MC and my old Discover. Neither are on my reports, so there is no CCCS notation anywhere. The balance on this debt is around $400. I'm wondering if they are now going to put it on my reports? She told me that it will stay on my report until it is paid off. I said no, it's 7 yrs from the DOLA. I had no idea when that was, but she told me 2/96. I didn't tell her that these were not on my reports, but I did give her my updated address and phone number. She told me that they were not looking for me, and they didn't even have my right address or last name. Why, then, would they be on my report, and what info do they get if they have a last name from 10 yrs ago, and a 2 yr old address?? I'm hoping it doesn't mean that they are putting this on my report now that I'm almost clean! I've been wondering if one of these would sneak in eventually, but it's been a 6 1/2 yrs, I thought maybe I was home free.

    ANy thoughts? (other than that I'm a neurotic worrier, because I already know that.) I hold my breath every day that I check my reports, just waiting for something new to pop up. I have 2 old bills that should find me, and I don't want to find them til we get a house. Hubby has about 4 that haven't shown up on the reports, and I'm so afraid they will JUST before we apply for our mortgage. Mine, at least, are all 6+ yrs old, thankfully.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    why did you give them information on the phone? I don't understand??? especially when it was clear that they don't know the law..... you may be okay since you are paying the account... there is really no good reason for them to place it on your account now... but i sure would not have given them any information that they did not have

    I probably would not have called, either, but that's just me...
  3. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I know it was dumb, but I'm sick of worrying about old debts finding me. I want to face them head on. It I hadn't called, I would have so many different things running through my head. At least this way I know it's something that I've already dealt w/. Does that make sense? Like the unknown is so much worse than the reality. I gave them my info at first because they JUST checked my CR, AND they have my contact info. at CCCS. I guess I just assumed w/ all that information, I wasn't really giving them anything new. I mean, CCCS has all my information, I'm not hiding from them (though I'd like to! LOL)

    I know, it was probably dumb to call. But, on the other hand, I feel better knowing that some big bad CA that I owe thousand of $$$'s to isn't looking for me! It's a debt I've been consistently paying on. I just found a pile of old bills yesterday that haven't shown up on dh's reports, so now I'm paranoid that every day something knew is going to pop up. Thankfully, there is no huge balances left that I can see, but still. I just want to get into a house so badly, Im afraid it 's going to get screwed up. I can deal w/ them all later, one at a time, AFTER we get into a house.

    Thanks for making me feel better (see, told ya I'm neurotic! LOL)

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