Is it not easier for EXP to declare your dispute frivilous or say it has already been disputed and verified if you use the USPS?
Disputing by CRRR is especially important if you are disputing public records like bks, judgements or tax liens..... even ff they have the capacity to check them electonically, we mak it harder for them if we mail the dispute and they then have to go and attempt to verify the info electroncally..
Sorry Tracy, I have a virus in my puter and I'm not able to get all the threads. I hope we're not missing the point of all the CRA dispute. Do you want them to varify? Heck no. But they probably will. So ellicit a violation. Your dispute begins the following business day from the day they sign for it. That's what the law says. They have 5 additional days to send you an update. On the 38th day (allowing for delayed mail) I'd file a small claims case for a $1,000 violation and get them served. Their atty. staff will be in touch quickly to settle for a deletion. And then of course you'll consider it AFTER the TL is GONE! Bottom line is you WANT them to lag on your dispute. I almost wish I had some negative TL's. LOL
Hey, I have a couple of unpaid collections on hubbys reports I'm sure he'll let you have. LOL You'd be much better at getting rid of them than I. I've found I don't have the stomach to deal w/ CA's! LOL
A cpl things to watch out for. The CRA's will be more prone to label your dispute frivolous. So make sure your dispute is a little stronger than usual, if you can. I wouldn't use the "not mine" dispute if you can help it. It's the easiest to varify. I'd be making the CA's and OC's look up old records if I could. Watch for them to simply stamp it varified and send it back. I would include in my original dispute letter a demand for procedures "in case you varify". Cut's out a step, mailing time and puts them immediately on the defensive. Especially TU. Tell ya what really frosts my cookies is when people file tax returns electronically. What stupidity. I teach ALL my clients to file on paper, LONG FORM, (1040) regardless of whether they COULD use 1040EZ. Don't make their job easy.
Yeah ya gotta be ready for em. They ask all manner of questions to get you to admit the debt. I've had a lot of phone negotiation experience tho. Can't let em rattle ya. AND ALWAYS RECORD YOUR CALLS. If it's not permitted just don't tell them.
Islandboy, I think just the opposite is true. It is easier for EXP to declare a dispute frivolous online. THey don't even have to read it--if it has been disputed more than 2 times in a given period you get that message "we have already investigated this item." They stop you in your tracks if you do it online. With an actual letter they must read it first. Secondly, if you make some valid points in the debate (specifics) they would have a harder time labeling it frivolous. That is just my opinion.
I would not bank completely on the on-line dispute thing though, in my experience there has been multiple occasions that on-line disputes were refused on both mine and my hubbys reports. It gave a message that to initiate a dispute, we would have to contact Equifax directly. That has happened more times than not.
Butch brought up a very good point, and I hope everyone here would give some input - ARE WE BETTER OFF DISPUTING AS "NOT MINE" OR "ACCOUNT NEVER LATE" (or other deemed acceptable by the cra's) I understand that it would be allot easier for the agencies to verify it (and not take you seriously) if you just have a bunch of disputes on your report you claim "not mine" My main questions here are as follows: 1.) Is it to easy to verify if we just state "not mine" on the dispute. 2.) Is it even more dangerous (the CRA might send back a letter requesting more information, and thus stall our disputes) to put something other then "not mine" such as "never paid late", "paid before collection", or "balance incorrect" ???? Anyone have some wisdome they would like to share on this subject? Thanks, Sal
Let me add to my previous post - If we state something other then "not mine" are we in essence admitting ownership of the tradeline? -Sal
Another thing to consider, snail mail is sent to po boxes. They do not neccessarily check these boxes everyday. I read somewhere that when Exp. gets behind they just don't check their boxes until they get caught up. Who is to stop all of them from doing this?
Butch is so right about the dispute technique. The entire point is to get the CRA's to not respond within the 30 days. Calling them on the 38th day and telling them to dispute, and many have suggested, may work for some, but lately, I haven't seen too many success stories using this approach. When you call them, you show your hand, give them a chance to re-re-dispute, and argue with you about whatever you think their violations are. They'll try to trip you up with, "you mean you never filed BK?", "you never lived at this address?", etc. They're probably taking as many notes as you are. On the 38th day, file suit. The rest is a waste of time. And if everyone files suit at the same time, it could be like a post-CHOD lawsuit bombardment...they'l have so many lawsuits, they'll have to settle.
What I meant to say, calling the CRA and telling them the dispute time is up, you must delete, is futile. Post-Chod Bombardment of Lawsuits or, CHODBOMB!
Also, the online system has the number of disputes of a particular item in their system. The online will not allow a 3rd. You HAVE to us USPS CRRR for those.
I will not do Exp CHOD disputes online. My second online dispute on EXP resulted in the accounts being verified very quickly. I will send the disputes by CRRR and keep my fingers crossed. Actually, the only CRA I will do online is TU. I have had much success. Last dispute 4 of 4 deleted. The one prior to that 2 of 2 deleted.
Christie, Come to think of it, the ONLY CRA that flagged me as frivolous was TransUnion and I did them via snail mail. I actually might consider doing them online.
Sal/Christie: Online, I have never had a dispute refused by TU in over a year. By mail, they got me last month on 1 item calling it "frivolous." I don't know how they would flag it immediately on an online dispute. If they later deemed it frivolous, you could always say "You accepted it on 12/3 and said that the dispute was underway!" EXP will not allow me anymore disputes online. All accounts have been disputed at least 2X each. So, i have to use mail. THey labeled one whole dispute frivolous a month ago. EQ has never disallowed anything. I can't dispute online with them because I use CSC which doesn't offer the service. So, mail is the only way for them. It seems like TU goes in and out of "frivolous mode" periodically. I wonder if they do that when they get backed up?
Lisa, I'm in the same situation as you, experian is out of the question for disputing online so I have no choice but to CRRR them. As for Equifax, they haven't given me any online problems, but they keep verifing so I will CRRR them duding CHOD as well - as I said before, I'm still deciding whether to do Trans online or not. -Sal