CHOD Warning! CHOD Warning!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by stenwick, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    To all of those out there who are planning doing
    on-line disputes:

    You must be ready for the good possibility that when
    you will sit down at your computer with your morning coffee and list of disputes Thanksgiving week you will be greeted with:

    "Experian is Experiencing Technical Difficulties"

    And you will not be able to submite a single dispute for one or more days.

    Be prepared for anything. Tens of thousands of disputes deluging their system in a short amount of time can cause it to crash.
  2. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    That's why you MAIL it. DUH!
  3. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    if that happens may i suggest the phone, fax or mail
    for your merry chod...

  4. islandboy

    islandboy Well-Known Member


    That is a very good point. What if you send a mail dispute and also try a dispute online during the same time period?
  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    That happens now!! What's the big deal? Is that all you're drinking is coffee? ;) Charlie
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Do it one way or the other. If you dispute online and it is accepted, and you have sent one by mail, you just cost yourself 15 days delay.

    Stenwick, aren't you becoming a little obsessive about the chod game?
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    LKH, You hit the nail on the head!! Charlie
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I'm not trying to be a jerk. Really. Stenwick is sort of newbie and is obviously excited about the prospects of chod. That is great. Just don't put all your hope into something that may or may not deliver. CHOD is a great idea. I just think too many people are expecting too much. I wish everyone the best of luck with it, but don't go overboard with it.
  9. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    You guys are right. After all I think CHOD is just one of many different tactics used to repair your credit. I believe in that saying don't put all your eggs in one basket. CHOD is only one opportunity to get some positive results.
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Don't put all your eggs in one basket is eactly the phrase I was looking for. Guess I had a brain fart.
  11. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member


    Hi LKH!

    Yes, I admit that I actually feel obsessive about it sometimes.
    It is, after all, my first CHOD.
    Please don't get me wrong. I don't expect this to be a magical deletion free-for-all bonanza.
    I am hoping that at least one account will be deleted during this time.
    But I will not be shocked if 100% is verified.

    I have been writing a lot about CHOD lately. Part of the reason is merely to enlighten people about what it is. In almost every post I get a CreditNet member ask what CHOD is.

    Also, I am working on a list of items that I will post in a couple of weeks that hopefully will better prepare everyone for when they get ready to send in their disputes. I have been gathering some of the best advice from people who have gone through CHOD many times before. It is my goal to help people avoid easy mistakes that could diminish their chances of getting good results during their holiday disputing efforts.
  12. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I was a newbie last year this time and I remember how it felt. However, If you are submitting disputes during CHOD, especially for the first time... there is basically no way to do a major screw up.... unless you are submitting 14 at a time (lol).

    CHOD is really a timing opportunity that may lead to more disputes being deleted. If people follow the basics of cra disputes, they will be okay. anything else is gravy

    I can just see a flood of post CHOD anxiety while waiting for results ( I mailed mine on 12/3 OMG, did I screw up)

    BTW, I thought last year was the first annual CHOD (i am remembering Quixote's post??)

    Time for a Deep breath..... relax,

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    I helped a friend of mine last month with disputes. I disputed 13 accounts as not mine and 8 were deleted.
  14. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I will be anxiously waiting my CHOD results. I have a couple of stubborn jerks that I just want to see gone!

    Not to mention that their are inaccuracies on both BK listings. I feel that challenging those at CHOD provides the greatest opportunity for deletion. Imagine what would happen to my score if they disappeared!!! (Oh, Happy Day!) What a Christmas present!

    Then I get over $2K in taxes back in Feb, my 5% bonus in March and my annual pay raise then. Can we say $200K mortgage? :)

    (oh yeah.... I am an eternal optimist! LOL)
  15. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I know I have asked these two questions on another CHOD thread - but didn't get an answer - and others may be in this boat:

    1. What if you have already disputed the items and they came back verified? Would you just find some little thing to make it appear that you have a new reason?

    2. I have an Experian affiliate. Can I send it to the main Experian? I hope so as I'd think the "bigger" place would be more swamped.

    My two remaining derogs are Providian and DMCB, both only reporting on Experian and TU (not on EQ). I think I may have success with Providian with all the troubles they are having. Plus, I did dispute and they have NEVER marked the account in dispute. (also they sent me a letter asking ME to send them all three of my credit reports no less than 30 days old.... which of course I did NOT).

    The other one is DMCB (Direct Merchants). On TU they updated to show zero balance, but still a charge-off. This had gone to a CA - but I got that deleted. (can't disclose details - confidentiality agreement). However, on Experian - it still shows a past due balance - which of course is incorrect as they sold it to the CA.

  16. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

  17. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    This link might be helpful for those who have been told by Experian, TU or Equifax, that they must dispute directly with the affiliate. Perhaps someone who is more of a legal eagle than I can interpret this FTC letter, but I believe it says, regardless of the source at which the dispute originates, the data furnisher must respond. It seems this could be used in your favor to dispute directly with the main CRA, and have your dispute start when it is received by the head office, rather than when it reaches the affiliate.
  18. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Yep. Last year was the first.

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