whoaaaaaaaaa, shame on you, DownNout!!!!!!! If you feel you are entitled to answers, SEARCH, they are there -- George has never had any secrets. C'mon George, I'll buy you a pepsi! Sassy
That's right, no one here attacks George. He can bitch all he wants. I think the spirit of creditnet is that folks can be wherever they are, and get the congrats, support, or handholding or whatever it is they need, along with the information. There's a lot of tolerance and acceptance here, and it better stay that way, or else!!!!
The newbie's, myself included, sometimes think they know alot, yet are totally ignorant in some of their posts. Attacking GEORGE is not the way to get someone to answer a question when you need one answered, because you're too lazy to search or read the top 3 posts again and again. I am lazy myself, but I try and treat everyone especially the vets/experts with respect in hopes that when I do ask a question that I can get help. With an attitude like that you may be on your own, doing a lot of searching and reading, because probably 90% of all questions have already been answered. You owe GEORGE and the board an apology. Maybe if you are lucky IT MAY be accepted! Charlie
I want the Giants because everyone hates Bonds and eventhough he is a jerk, he is an extraordinary ballplayer. I like to go against the majority. I want more and more credit at lower and lower rates, I don't brag about my credit, I do mention it from time to time, because it is good to have it. Use it don't abuse it. Build it to have it around just in case. You just never know when it will come in handy. www.creditsense.com
Well this thread inspired me to see approx. how much "cc" credit I really do have, and as of right now, including Visa's, MC's, & DISCOVER I have total lines of $134,640.00, if I add in store cards it would probably add an other 15-20k, hard to tell because so many I haven't used for years & limits are unknown. I post this NOT to brag, but rather show what is attainable when you have good credit, with this comes a lot of flexibility. I hope every one can attain their desired credit objectives.
Congrats EAGLE! Alot of people were in or arein the position of not being able to get ANY cards, so when people get a lot of CC's or high CL's you have every right to brag or boast. I did a post a couple of days ago about 250k in CL's that I have kept not only for inspiration but for the knowledge the guy gave on strategies. About Bonds, he may be a jerk or it could be he was getting alot of bad rap from the media. No one in recent baseball memory has been able to hit for average AND HR's. McGuire and Sosa could only do the HR's. Ol McGuire sure did disappear. Charlie
Eagle,congratulations! You could do us all a service and give us your profile,ie: length of credit history, ect,ect.......For all the postings on this board I have never, ever seen an example of what it takes to get a rating like this! Were you working on your credit report while the rest of us were playing bombardment at recess or what? lestx
Actually when I found this board, I had no negative issues, but I must credit a lot of my success to using various strategies found here, prior to to coming here my credit lines were probably half of what they are now. Being "30 something", I have had credit since 1984, so I have alot of old trade lines, that definitely help, also I have paid mortgages, current mortgages, paid autos, paid leases, open leases, besides credit cards, so I have a good mix, as well.
I would be interested in hearing about some of this guys strategies. It seems like no matter how "good" your credit gets, it can always get better. And higher lines (especially w/ no inqs.) CAN offer flexibilty.
I think this raises a good point not about George but about the creditnet community as a whole. I don't think that a person has to have immediate credit problems to participate, although it's an invaluable resource for those who do. But other members may have had credit difficulties in the past and still like to participate. Some may have never had credit problems but are interested in the subject, others may have excellent credit, but feel the scoring system unfairly downgrades them for items that are not traditionally negative. The title of this thread is Ego, Credit & Self Esteem, and any one of these situations could have an impact on how you feel about yourself and your credit situation. In short I think everybody has a valuable perspective to contribute on credit, and one of the things that makes creditnet so exciting is the large amount of activity on the board. Just my $.02