DemPooches, you probably already know this, but you don't need to have Cap1 get merchant fees to get your full limit reported (at least, not if it's a "no hassle" card--not sure on their other products.) At the beginning of your billing cycle, just do a BT to another card, HELOC, etc. for the credit limit, then pay it back any time before the cycle closes. Meantime, you get it coded as a purchase, you get a 0% loan for those 3-4 weeks, and you get a boost in your credit score because your full line is reported with 0 utilitzation.
I got FINALLY got $7,500 "PRE-APPROVED" from CAPITAL ONE after COMPLAINING via PFB and talking to MR COOKE... $7,500 is not my LOWEST...but FAR FROM MY HIGHEST...
I applied for a Cap1 to see how bad my credit really was and my Efax score increased from 580's to 630. It also changed one of the negative factors to positive - the one about length of credit history. I have a 20+ years history with 4 CO in 2000 and 3 cards with 30 day late in 99/2000 as the only bad marks. We're current on all open cards (gas, store cards) but those didn't seem to matter on the score -but the new line of credit does. It might be a toy card ($500 limit, my discover card, only major card we didn't CO is $6500) but i'm happy to have it, puny or not.