Hi all I would like to know what is the lowest rate anyone has gotten from Citi for BT deals lately?? They are offering me 4.9% for the LIFE of the BT and will waive the fees?? Good deal, or are there better ones from them that they are not telling me about??
Thanks Platinum I like the fact that's it's good until the balance is paid off. I have seveal others BT rates I am using, anywhere from 0% to 2.9%, but the rates all expire between 9 and 12 months.
MY 0.00% BT WILL GO BYE-BYE 11/13/02 I can get 4.90% PURCHASES TILL 12/01/03 4.90% BT TILL PAID NO FEE
GEORGE, Have you tried to call retention to get the 0% time extended? I have a friend that had it done, but her name wasn't GEORGE!! Charlie
Yes I tried... 0.00% BT extended...NO!!! "GO-TO" 8.65% lowered...NO!!! My checking account will CRY...but I will pay it off before 11/13/02 (paid $3,900 this last FRIDAY) I ALSO ASKED FOR A NO QUESTIONS ASKED, NO CREDIT REPORT INCREASE...NO!!! 3 STRIKES...but I'm NOT closing the account...
I agree about not closing it, because it's a good card. I think that Discover Plat has a good 0% offer. CharlieQUOTE]Originally posted by GEORGE 3 STRIKES...but I'm NOT closing the account... [/QUOTE]
DISCOVERCARD (0.00%) new accounts ONLY~~~NOT for people who have had accounts with them from the beginning of DISCOVERCARD...