What Can I Do Today For Strike 3???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GEORGE, Oct 28, 2002.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  2. annie

    annie Well-Known Member

    Let's all give George a BIG creditnet hug! We love you George and would gladly give you unlimited credit.

    Go apply for the AMEX Centurion, LOL. Just kidding. I feel your pain.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    STRIKE 3 no limit increase on wife's CAPITAL ONE account because they called the "COMBINING" of the 2 accounts~~~A LIMIT INCREASE!!!



    Have to wait till like 04/2003

  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Did you call Cooke for the increase? If not, he may be able to help you. Charlie

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    AUTOMATED, wife wasn't home from work yet...

    When we combined her accounts and closed one and reduced the "GO-TO" rate to 7.90%...he said NO at that time...but didn't say anything about waiting till APRIL 2003 for a limit increase!!!

    If I had done an "AUTOMATED" increase BEFORE PFB...she would have a bigger limit now!!!

    ME BAD!!!

  6. lyttlemac

    lyttlemac Well-Known Member

    Just to put things in perspective for you George:

    Since everything on my Equifax report is negative, EQ csr told me they can't provide a score based solely on negative information so I am not able to purchase the Equifax CreditWatch subscription. For my daily fix, I am doomed to checking for score increases for my family members.

    I have yet to log on to TU's site for a credit report without seeing "we cannot confirm your identity and you are blocked until midnight of the year forever"

    My Worthknowing score is 5 (and no, that is not a typo).

    They say misery loves company. Feel any better now?
  7. BumbleBee

    BumbleBee Well-Known Member


    Since you used the automated system, you should try talking to a live person. I got turned down for a CL increase by the automated system, but decided a few weeks later to call again and talk to a live person because the reason didn't make sense. I only got a $100 increase, but I did get an increase.

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