ok here is a small win... i purchased the experian credit thingy at the beg of dec 2001. score was 606- medium-high risk today it is 665 and i am at a medium risk.. plus finally it says i have 50% available.. exactly! finally out of that category just wanted to share thanks people
Way to go Allen! only those of us obsessed with credit could understand your excitement! good work. jody
thanks jody i really wanna re-fi my car loan (12k owed at 9.9%) but am so worried i will be turned down i was last yr at this time
thanks charlie... i dont think it makes sense to trade in my 2000 jetta... i wanna refi it but i dont want any inquiries cuz i am at 0 right now what do you think the odds are that someone will approve me for an "excellent" refi which would be 5.49% ? Looks like it would save me $1000 in interest. Thanks
Allen, Congrats! I have been where you are, so its not a small win its a HUGE win! That is impressive after less than one year of work. It took me 2 years for Equifax (680) and TU(725). My scores are prime now.....but they weren't! Experian is a work in progress. Score 635, but I am working on it. Now here is the strange part. I qualified with 0% APR and 0 down on a 2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer. The funny thing is Ford pulled my Experian Report, not my best TU and Equifax. So....check it out you may bet a 1.9 APR.
I agree w ts766. It IS a huge win. I have been there too and making progress should make you feel proud of yourself. When I started my credit repair, my reports were so bad, I probably didn't even have a score. LOL Now all of my reports are in the mid 700's. Keep up the great work. We can show everyone that gets discouraged that you CAN have success. It does take time and patience, but you can make it. I have learned so much from this board and its members it is unbelievable. Congratulations!!!
thanks people! my equifax started at 616 and (if this last late pay stays off) will remain at 703! and if i pay down the 15k of cc i owe, i will be at the low 800's! thanks again!
Congratulations..... It let's some of us still below sea level know that with perserverance there is still light at the end of the tunnel