Multiple CITI accounts?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Om, Oct 28, 2002.

  1. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    Has anybody recently been able to obtain more than two CITI accounts? I know when the BDD was all the rage I was denied a third card. Just curious if the rules have changed?

  2. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Hubby has Citi World MasterCard and Signature VISA, but he got them about 9 months apart. (Wouldn't give him an increase on the first one, but instantly approved a new card...go figure!)
  3. suzza

    suzza Well-Known Member

    I have 3. Universal, Illumina, and World MC.
  4. B-Down

    B-Down Well-Known Member

    I have 3 as well. 2 Dividends and a Universal.
  5. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    I was able to complete the citiBDD in September with a Gold and Silver citiAAdvantage cards. Got both and doubled the cls. I decided to not combine the cards after all. Customer service mentioned there was a limit of 3 cards per cardholder, depending on credit limits.
  6. outofdebt

    outofdebt Well-Known Member

    I got a 5K Citi Illumina card two months ago. A week after that, I applied for an AT&T MC (issued by Citi) and they approved it...only a 1K limit though.

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