My credit scores are TU 678 EXP 645 EFX 736 However it seems that when a mortgage broker pulls the score, the numbers come out much different. my scores are from creditexpert, and anyone else notice this discrepancy? any formula to figure out the "real" fico?? also, the scores you guys post, do ythey come from the same source? Thanks klunk
EQ for us tends to be on the money. EX is on the money for one of us. The other has two paid tax liens that are about 3 years old, oddly they don't seem to figure into the Creditexpert scoring so the score our banker got was almost 60 points lower than the score we get. TU is a joke. The paid FICO vs. free FAKO scores are a lot higher for one of us, lower for the other and neither matches what the bank gets. Hope this helps. DemPooches
Mine were right with EQ and TU (the FICO NOT the Fako) and Experian was off by about 10 points (the real score was lower).
My EQU is right on the money with mortgage brokers, my TU FAKO is usually a little higher than the REAL score (by about 10 or so points) and my CE EXP was lower by about 80 points (so I ditched them)