Random credit musings

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Oct 29, 2002.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I was sitting here tonight thinking about my credit... I called on my Ultimate Electronics account that I opened last year figuring since I have never had a CL increase with them that I'd try their automated system again.

    Limit raised from $4,000 to $5,300.

    This started me thinking about my total credit limits. With the $22,500 Amex Open Delta Skymiles card I just got last weekend, I now have over $100,000 in credit lines on Visa/MC/Amex accounts. Of these $27,500 are "hidden" lines (Advanta and the new Amex account).

    If I add in my store charges (including some home furnishing accounts I opened when I closed on my house but have never used) I'd have another $25,000 or so.

    It's amazing how fast you can build credit if you really try. It's really getting to be quite a game. It's actually getting to the point where when I pull a TU report and they ask for the credit limit on one of my accounts, I have to stop and think what the last credit limit reported for that account on TU was vs. what the actual limit on the card is.

    No real point to this message -- I'm just thinking out loud. Now I need to find some way to use all of this available credit to my advantage rather than just trying to raise some almost random credit score. Geez all kidding aside, I could buy a second house using the new Amex card for the down payment and closing costs and try to sell it right away for a quick profit. The possibilities are amazing.
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Kickin back dreamin!! How long have you had your NEW credit? I know that it's been a relatively short time. Too many people on the board doing so many different things for me to keep up with anyone. Flipping houses can be very profitable. Have you tried www.creonline.com? If you want to flip houses this is a pretty good site. Keep dreamin, they do come true! ;) Charlie

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