I refinanced my mortgage today. I did an adjustable at 5.0 for now. I plan to move in 2-3 years max. I am just not feeling my townhome anymore. My mortgage was FHA at $157K. Anyways, I am just giving an update b/c I havent been around this site in a long time. I have some reading to do. roni
HI GUYS Not feeling: Not excited about it....want to move soon. Business is slow but growing. Basically I am living month to month. Love life is ok. I have a new man. I also have a baby coming....I am 10 weeks. I know what a surprise. Medical condition and age (33), made me go ahead and start motherhood. The relationship is too new for me to say I will definitely marry this man.
Wow Roni, I guess you have been busy..... Congratulations on the pregnancy.. stay healthy and take care of yourself and baby!
thanks Diva. I just finished two one hour whitenings this morning in the office. POOPED now. I also did a crown on one of them so it has been a busy morning. I am trying to stay healthy but I am so hungry it is ridiculous. I am trying to not be so big though.
Congrats Roni, Eat peanut butter and apples. That helped me through all my babies (3). Question though, has Speigel stopped issuing their credit card. I remember you being a big FCNB fan. Take care.
Thanks for the tip on Peanut Butter. I have never used my speigel card. So, I cant even say. I havent received any mail from them either saying they were closing my account. I forgot about the account until just now.