I just got off the phone with Universal Fidelity over a Dell account. They sent their first letter to me postdated October 16th. I imediately sent a letter requesting them to validate. I recieved a call on the 22nd in reference to the account. I said that I had sent a letter for validation--had they sent it? Yes, she said. She said that she would call back when it was sent out. Later that afternoon someone else called me concerning the account and told me that they didn't have to send me anything. Did I receive their bills? Well, that was validation enough. In the same conversation she offered to settle the account 25% off the amount owed. I said I needed it in writing. After much grumbling, she finaly said she'd send it and call Wednesday. Well, it's Wednesday and I just got off the phone with her. I explained that I had not recieved her letter yet. She said if I didn't pay by tommorrow, she'd document that I have refused to pay and recomend "action be taken". She then hung up on me. After several calls I finally spoke to her supervisor--he basically told me the same thing with the final thing he said as "Please don't call me anymore". So...what do I do now? I sat down to write out a check for $10.00, just so that it looks like I'm making an attempt to pay. What do you think? HELP! LOL! MrsC
do not pay them... do not talk to them on the phone again. !) did you send your validation request crrrr? 2) Iwould send a C&D letter instructing them to contact you by mail only 3) Keep all of your notes of your conversations with them and who you talked to, dates etc. They have already violated the law numerous times!! 4) This is how CA works. they like people like you ( no offense) who get so emotionally worked up around their tactics that they end up getting their money without proving ANYTHING take action ... what are they going to do, the worst that could happen is that they file a lawsuit, highly unlikely ( how big is the debt) and even if they do you have leverage since they never validated and continued to violate the law after you requested validation.... Take a deep breath and read Doc's credit repair primer!!-
Originally posted by uniondiva !) did you send your validation request crrrr? --No, but they "said" they got the letter. Should I send another, certified this time? 2) I would send a C&D letter instructing them to contact you by mail only --I did. 3) Keep all of your notes of your conversations with them and who you talked to, dates etc. They have already violated the law numerous times!! --I am! ( how big is the debt) The original debt was 1,700 When the CA called me, they said it was reduced by Dell to 1,200. They offered to settle for $960 Which I could probaby pay--but don't I have the right to have it in writing? They kept saying...." you can take my word on it" Tonite, when I told the supervisor I needed it in writing, he said, "You are jepordizing the credibility of my company". I asked him what that meant...he said, he meant to say that I was "questioning" the credibilty. I replied with "you betcha". Thanks for your help...I'm trying to be strong. MrsC
I would send another letter CRRR or by fax ( so you have some documentation of their receiving it. I will try to look for something that you can use.... but it would include: 1) reminder that they have not responded to my initial validation request and that I will pay NO money until the account is properly validated 2) That they immediatley cease and desist from telephoning my in regards to the account and that communication be in writing only 3) That I have documented all of my conversations with them in regards to the account and and keeping careful scrutiny of their response. 4) that any violations of my rights under the FCRA, FDCBA, FCBA and any other state, local or federal laws could result in my initating legal proceeding 5) IMPORTANT.. this is not a refusal to pay but a request that the account be properly validated to determine my legal obligation and responsiblilty for the account. if you are really anxious, send it overnight!!!
Uniondiva is right! This is why you NEVER talk to them! I always write on my validation letter to contact my ONLY in writing concerning the debt! Don't worry... once they can't call you anymore things will get better. Just remeber that's their only way to beat you down... no phone calls....... No problem....lol
Those are standard CA tactics. You should not talk to them on the phone since you folded under the slightest pressure. Boy, wait until you get into the hardball tactics! The CA phrase "Forward for futher action" is usually their way of saying they are going to give it back to the OC. They want you to think that they are going to hire a thug to burn down your house. The phrase "We are going to recommend legal action" or "Forward to legal" is CA speak for "We failed". Just don't talk to them.
Re: Thank you so much! The advice you have received so far is right on. You have them on several violations already. Continue as you were going to. Do NOT talk to them on the phone. At 30 days, send them a demand letter. Demand that they close their files on this acct and that they immediately delete any and all listings with the cra's. If they don't do this within 10 days of your demand, sue them. They are making all these statements like "you can trust me, you are questioning our integrity, etc," because they know they already screwed up. Let them hang themselves.