Midland trying to pull a fast one

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tnobles, Oct 28, 2002.

  1. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    great stuff!
  2. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Uniondiva, I have to hand it to Val. I sent the letter yesterday, guess what, both of the FCNB accts are gone!!!!!! Both Spiegel and visa. She is a pretty smart chick. Thank you soooooo much Val. BTW Equifax the accts. are completely gone Exp. shows them under investagation, which I did not initiate, did they do this to you Val before it was deleted?
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I am waiting for the email, thanks a lot.... if val doesn't send it can you forward it to me? thanks!
  4. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    I sure will, one thing I might add though, with recieving all these letters they might get suspicious, I was thinking it might be a good idea to maybe mention filing a class action lawsuit so that the letter does not lose it's leverage. You know what I am saying? Or maybe they are doing it so quickly b/c they really know what is going on. Anyway I will definiately forward the letter. But what is your e-mail address?
  5. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    me too please!
  6. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    pae, e-mail me so I can get your address and forward it.
  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Now does that mean Midland is gone or just FCNB?

    Is this resolved, (at least with the 2 reports)?

  8. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    Congrats tnobles!!! Feels good, huh???

    And...yes, it showed in dispute for 2 days then gone! :) If someone didn't get the letter from tnobles, let me know.
  9. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Butch, just FCNB, they were the ones that I was really afraid of though. Hell Midland has made so many violations I am not in the least bit worried about them. Besides they obviously know it is bs account or they would have provided the proof. It is just a matter of filing w/Midland. I am waitng to hear back from the attorney. He should have recieved the paperwork today or tommorrow.
  10. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Val I didn't send it to either one of them, I don't have their addresses to forward it. Did you see what i said about them maybe mentioning filing a class acttion? I was afraid when sending mine it would raise suspisions even though obviously I changed the letter to fit, but do you think if they started recieving a bunch of these it might lose its leverage?
  11. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    Have Midland on so many violations too. I bet they end up deleting before any of us make it to court.
  12. valgal333

    valgal333 Well-Known Member

    Possibly, since they are being sent to the president of the company. He (or whoever) opens/reads his mail may see a trend. However, you know my thinking behind sending it straight to the president of the company, so it may still work for others.
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I think so too. But you may have to get filed and get them served. When that happens, well ... you know the rest.

  14. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    That is what I was thinking, I was afraid they were going to toss mine after just recieving yours, that is why I was thinking if maybe they added to the letter that they know of others with the same problem and were considering other legal alternatives (class action w/o really implying that is what they are going to do) I was thinking that might add some leverage to the letter w/o raising suspiscions
  15. chelsys

    chelsys Active Member

    val i did not get the letter, and i am having the same issues with Speigel/FCNB and Midland. My email is chelsys@yahoo.com
  16. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member


    my hubby recieved a letter yesterday from Midland, after their desperate attempts to validate the account and try to cover their a**es they have now given us the ammo to sue them for damages, attorney fees and the whole kit and caboodle. Here is the letter they sent yesterday:

    Dear xxxxxxxx,

    MRC Recievables Corp. purchased the above referenced FCNB account and referred it to Midland Credit Management, Inc. ("MCM") for debt collection. MCM has since been informed that this account was sold in error and recalled by FCNB.

    We have instructed the three major credit reporting agencies to delete any entry regarding this MCM account from your credit report. You have no financial obligation to MRC Recievables Corp. or MCM regarding this account.

    If you have any questions regarding this update to your credit report, please contact the reporting agencies in writing or by calling.


    Consumer Relations

    Now keep in mind MCM started reporting this after recieving a validation request, and verified the disputes and continued sending collection letters w/o sending 'validation'. They did make one feeble attempt on Thursday to validate by sending a statement which only included a balance, not even the charges incurred. I disputed w/the credit bureaus yesterday and I am praying that they verify.
  17. tedfran

    tedfran Well-Known Member

    Re: UPDATE

    They recieved my intent to sue letter 3 days ago. In that i list i have 5 Violations against them. I also said I'm willing to hear from them on any offers they may have, to avoid me suing them.

    Like i said before, they put the account in dispute on day 34 of my validation request. And just today updated with the cra's that this account is still good. SO far i don't seem to be scaring them at all.

    I recieved a letter from them 2 weeks saying there going to sue me if i don't pay within 3 weeks. Which is another violation. Since they have not validated this debt.

    Im alittle nervous about suing them and going to court. I'm almost tempted to call them and see what is up.

    I guess i will wait and see.
  18. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: UPDATE

    Absolutely do not call them. They will not respond, they will continue to send collection letters, I would file before they do if I was you. They will not back down, I thought they were going to when they deleted it fm Efx. but they have contiued to fight me on this and they are now trying to cover their a**es. But now I am going to file suit just for the trouble they have given me, and the above letter was the last nail in their own coffin. It states the account was sold by mistake therefore obviously it should not have been reported but yet they continued collections before validating. I am so fed up with them at this point I am going to sue for damages and attorney fees (my hubby actually)

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