Interesting post responses![color=35007] It is a wonder these folks are able to help themselves at all with attitudes like this. I too seek information. But now I think I need more info on how to understand their behavior. Where is the DOC when you need him? I wish you the best of luck in your search for knowledge.[/color]
yup. jerks. I registered just to tell them what I thought, LOL. Every username I tried was already taken, so........
Hey, who wants to? All he did was ask a quesion. They talk like they are elite or something. It's a free country, hehe. We can go there if we please.
I noticed that they're kinda like the posters over at FreeAdvice, only shriller. It's simple...they should just let the site's webmaster(s) decide who should and shouldn't have access to their message board. Then they can all go back to being tortured geniuses talking shop. wajaba
lordy, what is up with those people. Someone asks a question for which they are supposed to be the "experts"-- they jump all over him. If I were a broker, I would not be hanging with THAT crowd... jeesh!
Hey! I for one appreciate being able to read the board over there, and wouldn't want the webmaster locking me out from reading. It provdies great information about specific lender requirements and interest rates. They are pretty clear about who they are, and all the other posts are clearly broker to broker. If every consumer floods their board with questions, then the brokers will find it less useful and stop using it. We all lose then. We have fla-tan here who answers pretty much all questions, so why not seek his advice? Or, or - they both have brokers on the boards willing to answer questions.