getting Providian lates removed.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Oct 30, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Husband just disputed lates for Providian this weekend-- they verified in less than 2 days. Any suggestions on how to deal with these?
  2. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Nope. Other than a nutcase letter if you don't have the card anymore.

    I am trying to get rid of some lates too.
  3. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    I would wait about a month and see what happens. Providian seems to be updating peoples accounts to paid as agreed for some strange reason. My account with Providian which was charged off for about two years has recently been updated to paid as agreed and is showing under the satisfactory accounts area. It does not indicate that the account was sold.
  4. chitchat

    chitchat Well-Known Member

    I wrote about Providian in a post a month ago - the account was charged off, then I paid 1/2 of the $2390. Credit reports all showed settled for less amount/chargeoff.

    I disputed with a Pshc Doc letter saying that tradeline was reporting inaccurate and now the acct has been deleted on TU and EX now I'm trying to have it removed from EQ.. Hooray. I also revised another Pshc Doc letter and got my Chpt 13 removed from TU and EX!!
  5. IndyGreg

    IndyGreg Well-Known Member

    I have an interesting twist on the Providian late problem.

    Providian was reporting 1 30-day late from 7/2001 on a relative's Visa (Isn't it funny how a lot of us on this board have become the family expert on credit issues.)

    I disputed last year and they verified. BTW, July 2001 was actually the month that my relative paid them in full (approx. $3200) and curtailed using their card. She did keep it open, however.

    Last month, the card was stolen and was replaced with a new Visa with a different account number. Originally, it showed R0, too new to rate. Now, it has updated and shows OPENED 10/02, UPDATED 10/02 but with 1 30-day late from 7/2001.

    I disputed as duplicate and can't be late from 2001 if opened in 10/02. They verified in about 3 days.

    So now, it looks like there are two accounts, both of which were late. They also both show the balance due, so that's duplicated as well.

    Any suggestions on how to challenge this one?

  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I wish I could help... I have a similar situation with First Premier lates, but only on EXP. They have 2 separate tradelines, one listed lost or stolen (by the way, I never reported this card lost OR stolen, they just sent me a new one). I have disputed it off both TU and EQ, but EXP will not budge. Both report different lates. Infuriating!

    So, I read some previous thread that someone had made a deal with someone at Providan concerning removal of a charge-off for settlement... I believe the reps name at Providan was Melissa or something. This was perhaps a few months back. The poster said they would be back with contact details, but never did. If you are out there-- please post the info for us. Thanks!

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