Offer accepted - home owner!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Oct 31, 2002.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I had signed an offer sheet before Vegas, but it wasn't presented until this afternoon. I went to look at the house once more before faxing it. Within 4 hours I got the word that they accepted my offer. It is a 2 bedroom, 2 ba. house, 2 car garage, ac, cooler, security doors, fireplace and a bunch of other stuff. I won't be closing til about the first of the year. I can't wait to get the hell out of here.
  2. caramon

    caramon Well-Known Member

    Congrats LKH!!! That is awesome news!
  3. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    This is wonderful news! We're really happy for you!

  4. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Super Congrats LKH

    May you enjoy your home for a loooonng time


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Congrats LKH! ;) Charlie
  7. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    Thats great LKH. Enjoy!!!
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    A built in cooler? Great for Beer!

    Huge Congrats LKH.

  9. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    LOL no man it's a swamp cooler, it's so hot and dry there that AC don't work.
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    It's nice to see good people get good results in life.
  11. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Enjoy your new home.
  12. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! It's great to read success stories on here!
  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I knew that silly.

  14. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

  15. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    Homeowner 10/25/02
  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the wishes everybody. I appreciate it.

    As for the cooler, Butch and dep, close, but no cigar. Actually, the cooler works very well in hot and dry weather. It is in July, Aug and Sept when we have our Monsoon season, that the cooler doesn't work because of the high humidity. Then we use the a/c.

    Butch, the house does have a huge freezer that stays. I guess I could stock that with beer and ice. lol
  17. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!! It's a great feeling. I went from an apartment to my in-laws to my own home. I was so excited, I had trouble sleeping the first night in my new home! It will be here before you know it!
  18. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    That's wonderful news! Another scuccess story is ALWAYS good to hear.

    Enjoy the new home. (and the swamp cooler - since I live in the SW too - I know exactly what you are talking about!)

  19. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

  20. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member


    LKH - High Roller - Rigamaroller - Homeowner!

    Great news. Enjoy the new home.

    -Peace, Dave

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