Faxing disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ArmySarge6, Nov 2, 2002.

  1. ArmySarge6

    ArmySarge6 Well-Known Member

    How do I have verification that a fax was received? Via CRRR=green card, Priority Mail w/ sig confirmation=internet printout, but what about a fax? Would it be the fax successfully sent page that prints out? Or is this just not a good way to send?Thanks

  2. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    yes it would be fax confirmation page... the one that spits out after its done
  3. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    It's really not good proof that someone there received it. It won't hold up if they say they never received it. CRRR is better and holds more weight.
  4. TK

    TK Active Member

    Sarge, I still have had success with faxing to the 3 CRA's.
    It's true it's hard to verify. But in my case, I had a bounced check, which I paid 1 week later, for some reason it came into a CA's hands. They would not budge.

    So I sent a request for an Investigation to all 3 CRA's after 1 month they all changed my Report to Paid. Which yes is better than unpaid-I am still battling to get this collection off my reports though.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    To clarify, It may look better to a potential creditor to have a paid collection as opposed to an unpaid, but, as far as scores go, paid or unpaid, makes no difference.

    BTW, have you requested the oc contact the ca to have it removed? If not, I would try that. Or, at least get a letter from the oc stating this was paid prior to being sent to collection, which was an error. If you can get a letter to that effect, you can fax it to the cra's and possibly get it deleted.
  6. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had any success faxing an Intent to Sue letter? If so, any examples?

    I need to send an Intent to Sue to a few OCs who have sent a letter stating that they would remove. 45 days later, no change. I can't afford to wait on them. I'm trying to qualify for a home.

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