Help with MBNA Account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by piantams, Nov 4, 2002.

  1. piantams

    piantams Member

    This is my first post to the board. First let me thank everyone here because I have learned a ton about how the credit system works. I had 2 collections on my account already deleted using verification letters. Now the only negative account that I have is from my MBNA credit card that I got when I was 18. This summer I tried a verification letter to all the CRAs and it came back verified. I asked MBNA for verification and a copy of the application and they sent me a copy of the file they had on my application. They did not have my signature on file because I had applied over the internet. Last month I tried a goodwill letter and was sent a form letter that said they would not help any. I immediatly sent another goodwill letter and I have not had any response. I did payoff the account a while back as well and it was never marked as a charge off. The guys from MBNA are a real pain. When I was late they called my house several times and harrassed my mom. She said one call was very demanding and described the guy on the phone as trying to "strong arm" her into giving him some information on me. I know that there are two violations right there. I am just trying to figure out what the best way to get this removed from my CR is. Any help is appreciated.

    Here is my Credit Report from Equifax. Experian and TU look the same.

    Citibank Na Student Ln Ctr xxxxxxxxXXX
    06/2000 08/2000 Unknown
    Prior Paying History

    Duke Univ. FED CR Union xxxxxxxxxxxxxXXX
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 07/2002 10/2002 Revolving
    PAYS AS AGREED $1000 20 $60 10/2002
    Prior Paying History

    Duke Univ. FED CR Union xxxxxxxxxxX
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 05/2002 06/2002 Installment
    TOO NEW TO RATE $9660 265 $0 07/2002
    Prior Paying History
    FMC-OMAHA Service Ctr xxxxxxxxxX
    JOINT ACCOUNT 09/2000 09/2002 Installment
    PAYS AS AGREED $15458 429 $4526 09/2002
    Prior Paying History

    Hhld Bank/Bestbuy xxxxxxxxxxxxxXXX
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 07/2002 09/2002 Revolving
    PAYS AS AGREED $1000 10 $439 10/2002
    Prior Paying History


    M.B.N.A Amer xxxxxxxxxxxxXXXX
    INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT 10/1997 03/2002 Revolving
    PAYS AS AGREED $1000 $0 05/2002
    Prior Paying History
    30 days past due 05 times; 60 days past due 04 times; 90 + days past due 04 times;

    Thanks in advance,


    P.S. - I just got my brother and myself added to my parents MBNA Platinum Card with a $20,000 limit, with currently a $300 balance, never a late pay, and been around since 1998. All this thanks to the forum.

    At this point I dont care if I get the late pays deleted or the whole thing deleted.
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I would try disputing again during CHOD. Since its paid, in a lot of cases it is easier to get them removed.

    Good luck!

  3. piantams

    piantams Member


    Should I try a nutcase letter or a not mine. Should i dispute with the CRA's or with MBNA or both?

  4. piantams

    piantams Member

  5. piantams

    piantams Member

    bump again. shameless i know
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Whyspers meant to dispute with the cra's. Also, you mentioned that you had MBNA on 2 violations. MBNA is an oc and therefore, not subject to the rules of the FDCPA, which in turn means that there cannot be any violations as you mentioned.
  7. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    After 2 goodwill letters - depending on wording - and paying it off, "not mine" might be a bit of a stretch.

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