To save myself the agony of practicing a "exercise in futility," what credit card companies most likely will verify during the CHOD period?
I think the whole point of CHOD is that the CRA's will be so busy and short handed durning CHOD that they won't get items verified and just delete them. Plan to dispute the most difficult items off your CR. Good Luck! Me
Citibank Chase Sears MBNA are in very tight with the CRAs and, as many creditnetters will attest to, are verified rather quickly. Any others that anyone else would like to add to this list???
I can attest to chase.. however, one letter via planetfeedback got rid of my negative chase tradeline. As for citibank, I would also write them a letter. Citibank is very good with goodwill adjustments... worked for me
Okay Rack3, what did you say in this PFB letter that swayed Chase enough to delete the tradeline? They have to be my most stubborn account of all time. Now, they have reaged it so I am going at it from the "I will sue you if you don't delete this erroneous info immediately" point of view. All of the "not mine" "bad date" "incorrect payment" have failed me miserably! Was your account charged off? Bk? or something else?
I agree that all of the above are very hard because they have a direct distpute link with the CRAs. In other words, they can do everything by completely electronic means. They are almost always verified. But! and this is a huge BUT! I disputed a old Citibank charge off that is due to drop off in 1 1/2 years and it was deleted last week off EQ. So, it does happen. I would just go ahead and send your letter CRRR (not via online. See the ***CHOD*** and everything it implies thread for more information on that). Try to get your most difficult ones off during this period.
I personally have to add: Household Bank Capital One Anyone agree with me on this? Does the same thing apply for them--are they locked in electronically somehow? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I have a question... If an item is deleted during chod, can't it just be re-reported in a few months? I thought the creditors just sent bulk updates every so often anyways. Thats just how i thought it worked. My wife had something deleted becasue they didnt verify, but it was just reinserted after a month or so.
If they did not send you the required re-insertion letter within 5 days of re-insertion per the FCRA, they must delete it and 'cloak' it.
I have a question. Now that we have determined the list of Hard to Delete accounts, what do we do to get them deleted? Any ideas?
I will certainly second Capital One and Citibank. Those are the only two derogs I have left on my reports. In three months I have had at least 24 deletions total with all three CRAs. I just can't get those two to come off. Maybe during CHOD but I doubt it.